Friday, October 29, 2021


 Come and see Part Two



When Andrew and the unknown disciple came forward Jesus Christ was the very first to speak. In like manner when an individual accepts the true Messiah into his or her heart Jesus Christ will be the first to speak. He will welcome you into the kingdom of God. Jesus asked, "What see ye?" This was a kind invitation of them into His acquaintance. As they sought to get to know Jesus Christ He responded, "Come, what have you to say to Me?" as they sought Him. Jesus Christ is humble, mild and easy of access but look at the question Jesus asked them, "What seek ye?" The very question the Son of God put to them is what we should put to ourselves when we follow Jesus Christ. If we desire the Teacher, ruler and reconciler in following Jesus Christ we will be seeking the favor of God and this will lead to eternal life.


They asked, "Rabbi, where dwellest thou?" They were acknowledging that their design in coming to Him was to be taught by Jesus Christ Himself because Rabbi signifies a teaching Master. If we apply ourselves to the Son of God He will do the same for us as His children. Notice they asked where He dwelt which is a desire to be better acquainted with Him. They desired to learn from the Master but also to draw close to Him. They go hand in hand. They are synonymous with one another because they made a decision to grow in grace and knowledge. This all happened the moment they got converted. This is different than our punch card salvation that is taught today by so many teachers. These two disciples had an initial encounter with Jesus Christ and then desired further communion with Him. If our pursuit is fixed then and only then can we have fellowship with Jesus Christ. Our Lord desires His children to lodge with Him.


Jesus Christ was courteous and said to them, "Come and see." The closer we draw to Christ the more grace we receive. Even if God just chooses to give us His peace that is way more than we had before we sought Him. If you will notice the deceivers of our age keep their followers at a distance but Jesus Christ has the polar opposite approach with His children. Notice this biblical passage says that Jesus Christ invites followers to come immediately and without delay. There is wisdom to embrace the present opportunities so now is the accepted time to come to Jesus Christ. 


Notice the way they came forward. In verse 39 the Bible says, ... "They came and saw where He dwelt, and abode with Him that day" ... so they readily went along with Jesus Christ. Gracious souls cheerfully accept Christ's open hospitable invitation. Wherever Jesus goes we should really want to be where our gracious Lord is because He will always welcome us as His children. First we need to accept Him into our heart. Andrew had the honor of bringing Peter to Jesus Christ.


The two disciples actually told Peter they found and accepted the true Messiah. At that time his name was Simon. They brought him to Jesus. That is what we are called to do with other people. They cared about the spiritual welfare of Simon because they understood they had obligation and opportunity of doing good for his soul. I believe Andrew spent enough time with Jesus Christ that somehow he knew he became full of the presence of God and understood that there was enough in our Messiah for all because the Son of God is gracious; therefore, He can give grace. Graciousness and grace is generous.


When Jesus and Peter were face to face the Messiah called him by his name. Simon means a dove. An obedient dove like spirit enables a person to be a good disciple of Christ. He gave him a new name which was to be Cephas. This was the favor of Jesus Christ to him. Cephas was then adopted into the family of God. Cephas means a stone which symbolized fidelity. Do we have fidelity in our relationship with Jesus Christ? This is one of the characteristics that God is looking for in us as His children. I personally believe this is one of the issues that is going to come up at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ.


Those who come to Jesus Christ must come with a fixed resolution to be firm and consistent to the Son of God. If you desire salvation accept Jesus Christ into your heart as Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Live for Him by having strong fidelity for God. Ask God for this and have strong conviction that you desire this characteristic in your life. Stand for Jesus Christ or fall for anything.


God bless you,

Bob D.  

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