Worldly secular humanism or following Jesus Christ
I will be going to be going over 1 Peter 4:4 - 9. In verse 4 the Apostle Peter is writing about a premise that unbelievers will think it very strange that we as Christians do not run with them to the same excess of riots with them. God does not desire us rioting but praising Him. The very last part of the verse says that they will speak evil of us because we are not partaking in worldly parties.
Just recently I was in a different area where I live in and I desired to buy a take out roast beef sandwich because they are very good. I had to wait in the establishment for about ten minutes. I was very uncomfortable because sports were on the television and many people seemed to have their identity tied into their team. I also sensed a very ungodly surrounding that I just could not put my finger on because but I ended up saying to myself, "Jesus is not in this place." You see I know who He is and very few places invite Him so if you found such a surrounding you would be well advised to hang around those people because their identity is in Jesus Christ. There is a huge difference between false worship and true worship in God.
The next verse writes who shall give account to Him and He is ready to judge the quick and the dead. I always at the very least have a subconscious remembrance that Jesus Christ is going to judge me someday but those people giving their mind, heart and soul to their favorite sports team at the exclusion of Jesus Christ will also have to give an account to Jesus Christ. Be very careful who you give your allegiance to because you were made to worship somebody or something.
Verse five says Jesus Christ will judge the quick and the dead. The Bible also writes before we came to Jesus Christ we were "Dead" in our sins. It is still going to be difficult as a believer in Jesus Christ to give an account to our Master but it will be horrible for someone condemned to an everlasting hell for all eternity. You talk about rejection but this reality goes way beyond this negative emotion.
Peter goes on to write in essence I have a strong desire to preach to the lost or the dead in Christ but he also said we Christians should live according to God in the Spirit. This is not easy to practice but it is what the Bible commands us in the way we are to live our lives down here on earth.
It is interesting that Peter says the end of all things is at hand. We know through work and life that we have deadlines to meet which involves time. The Apostle writes the same thing because our days are limited whether we die or the rapture takes place tonight. We do not have forever to do whatever the will of God is down here on earth so we as Christians are to be sober and watch in prayer. Not being sober is letting our guard down and sinning. Watching in prayer is letting God sanctify our work through His Son Jesus Christ. If we do not watch in prayer we will think and work in our flesh.
Peter encourages us to have fervent love in our circles because charity covers a multitude of sins. We are imperfect people but there is something about love that is warm. Sincere Christians do not want to sin before God but wise believers in Christ show love. If we use hospitality with each other that is very special. Very few people including Christians have a hospitable spirit but trust me if you see it you will recognize this very special emotion. Peter ends by writing do all this without grudging. If we give in any way whether it be comfort, service or money the only acceptable motive is hilarious. Yes I want to do this for you because I deeply care for your well being or this missionary cause for the kingdom of God. Let me quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to it if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(4) "Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: (5) Who shall give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. (6) For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. (7) But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. (8) And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. (9) Use hospitality one to another without grudging." 1 Peter 4:4 - 9.
The Apostle Peter explains the visible change in the Christian that used to be wicked. This is not to say we do not have the ability to sin now but we should earnestly repent but pray it in your own words with sincerely even if you are stuck which will happen because human beings tend to fall into a trap. If you feel that in a worldly party you just do not fit in it is because as a believer in Jesus Christ you do not fit in because you are now a new creation in Jesus Christ. In these parties I can guarantee you there will be idol worship. We give allegiance to Jesus Christ.
We should not desire to follow our former way of life and ungodly people will speak evil of us because of our new found lifestyle in Jesus Christ. Nobody is going to convince me to go into some secular humanism group or way of thinking, watch some sports, music event ect. ect. and live worldly which is false worship. This is going to be foreign to people that do not know the Lord. They will not be able to comprehend this but if a person does not get redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ he or she can not understand spiritual truths." But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him : neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." 1 Corinthians 2: 14. They seem to hold contempt for Christians but actually benefit from our goodness.
If an evil person is after you in one way or another remember Jesus Christ will judge them in the day of judgment but He is also going to judge us as His children. Vengeance is in the hands of God but as His children we should never get apathetic or prideful because we will also go through this but true Christians will be judged in heaven for our reward. The evil person will be judged for their punishment. There are different degrees of reward and punishment. You can read verse six that I just quoted and the Apostle Peter was saying that we as believers in Christ are to mortify our sins and serve God. Our Lord expects this and we should be willing to obey God. It is biblical --- do not follow after the flesh but after the Spirit.
In verse seven Peter makes it clear that the end of all things is at hand. Our persecution if this is happening to you is short. Peter then gives us exhortations to be sober and watch in prayer. We should not be going back to our former sins but if we do get tempted do what the text says and be sober to the spiritual goal of watching in prayer. If we let our guard down we will transgress against God but Peter adds that we should be frequent in prayers. Be honest, when we are busy are we really frequent in our prayers to Jesus Chris with our issues that oppress us in life.
In verse eight the urge for Christians to love one another without being cold but fervent, sincere, strong and lasting. This sort of affection is recommended above all things because it covers a multitude of sins. Of course we are not to hold malice in our hearts. Of course we are to respect each other but to intensely love one another inclines people to forget and forgive offences against ourselves and vise versa. We will be able to cover the sins of another rather than spread them abroad. God will be able to give us His mercy if we forgive those in love. When God gives me His mercy I know right away because this love is distinct.
In the last verse that I will be going over is verse nine. Christian hospitality is easy, kind and without grudging or grumbling. If we add a hospitable spirit to love this is very effective to the other person/people and it will come back to us in the form of the mercy from God. We live in a very troublesome world so to receive the comfort of God because of our obedience is very special.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins now may be a good time to invite the Son of God in your life. There is a vast difference between idolatry and worshipping Jesus Christ. There is a vast difference between applying Christian precepts of good to other people and living worldly in secular humanism. Friendship without Jesus Christ in the center of our hearts is living for the devil. Friendship with Jesus Christ in the center of our hearts is living for God. Where do you want to be in life? This will determine our eternity.
God bless you,
Bob D.
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