Having joy unspeakable and full of glory
The Apostle Peter starts out in verse six by writing that we greatly rejoice but he changes the subject in mid stream by adding even though for a season if need be we can be in heaviness through manifold (various) temptations. Notice the verbs and phrases in this verse --- "Season," "If need be," "heaviness," "Manifold (various) temptations." God controls the trials in our lives unless we insist on sinning and bring a situation on ourselves.
The Apostle makes it absolutely clear that our faith is a trial and it is more precious than gold that will perish. Gold can be tried with fire and in like manner our faith is tried with fire. There is a purpose to all these afflictions and that would be that it might be found unto praise, honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Once again we see another Apostle mention the rapture of the church. It has been said that the Blessed Hope is only mentioned in two passages in the New Testament but the truth of the matter is it is written in at least seventy different places in the New Testament.
Peter writes even though we have not seen Jesus Christ we love Him. The Apostle clearly says we have never seen the Son of God but we as His children believe in Him and we are to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Then Peter writes in verse nine receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of our souls which is another way of writing about our outcome.
Let me just quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular study of the Bible.
(6) "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: (7) That the trial of your faith, being more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: (8) Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: (9) Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:6 - 9.
We might as well start with the first word in the entire passage (wherein) because it denotes the excellency of their present position in Jesus Christ and the hope for the future in Him. Remember even in the worst of our sorrows we always have something to rejoice in through our Savior Jesus Christ. These truths usually involve spiritual and heavenly realities regarding our salvation in the Lamb of God who died for our sins both present and future. We have a treasure in the Son of God and it should always be of great value to us as Christians.
The most spiritual believers in Jesus Christ often go into great heaviness through manifold temptations. Adversities are either temptations or trials. If you will observe closely we usually do not just have one trial but many or as Peter said, "Manifold" and come from different places in our lives but the effect is great heaviness. This does not make us less spiritual. The real truth of the matter is God is testing our faith and character so we will be rejoicing in Him in the end. These trials / sorrows usually only last for a season but the time frame differs in Christians because we are all individuals with different issues. Believe it or not the heaviness is often necessary for our good because the Apostle says if need be, ye are in heaviness.
God does not want to do this to His children but He has to for our true character to come to the surface. Remember Peter told Jesus he would never forsake Him but he did three times and his emotions came out very adamantly claiming he did not know the Son of God. He later learned a very valuable principle with God and went in the opposite direction with great faith in Jesus Christ. When God sees a need to test our faith and character He will because it is necessary to an authentic walk with Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Peter writes about many truths but two are to have joy in the midst of our trials and another is the end of our testing. The afflictions of believers in Christ are designed by God for the testing of our faith. Some may ask why does our belief in Jesus Christ have to be tried by God. Just take a look at our society. Let's say someone knows computers very well and finally gets a job. He understands the technology but faces many challenges in his career to the point where he scratches his head very often figuring out a way to solve the problem. I am an expert in my occupation but I ask the same question at least ten times a day and that would be, "How am I going to do this?" If we are tested and tried in our existence down here in secular situations is it really difficult to figure out that God must test our faith in Jesus Christ. The spiritual is way more important than the secular. Some Christians see this as their destruction when God applies this principle to their lives but it is only a probation period to test and bring us to a point when Godly character comes very natural to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. God desires to bring out the good character in us which is in His Son. If our faith does not fail in Jesus Christ everything else in our lives will stand firm even if our surroundings are falling apart.
Gold is the most valuable of all the metals but faith in Jesus Christ is the most valuable among the Christian virtues and it lasts until we go to heaven. In fact it will be rewarded for all eternity. The trial of our faith is more precious than the trial of gold. If we were to put gold in fire it does not increase or multiply but it tends to become less than the original state; however, faith is multiplied by trials in our life. Gold will perish but true faith in Jesus Christ never will because in the end the trial of our faith will be found to praise, honor and glory to the Son of God. Jesus Christ will appear in glory at the rapture of the church and our trial will be over but the praise, honor and glory will last forever.
Verse eight writes about us believing in Jesus Christ but remember so do the demons in Hell. To put our sincere faith in Jesus Christ is something entirely different. Our faith in the Son of God produces love and joy but their belief produces hate.
There is sense, reason and faith. Sense is when your car is at a red light and it turns green and then you drive the car forward. True reason thinks about step three in the reasoning process and says, "Wait a minute this will not work because ... " but true faith in Jesus Christ is the evidence of things not seen. True faith in Jesus Christ is almost never alone because it produces a devotion of love to God. We have a sincere love to the Son of God because we believe in Him. When faith and love are combined there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Words can not describe this because we have to experience this heavenly reality for ourselves. We have present joys in the middle of our trials but wait for future glory of seeing our Savior and getting our resurrected bodies. You see all of our afflictions revolve around Jesus Christ, not ourselves so we might as well just praise God loudly because this is all about Him. True faith in Jesus Christ removes the cause for sorrow and gives us a reason to be joyful in Him.
Verse nine says receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Christians can receive joy unspeakable because every day they were receiving the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls. We were redeemed through Jesus Christ when we accepted Him into our hearts becoming born again Christians. We are being saved in the present tense as we trust in Jesus Christ in the good and the bad. We will be saved in the future tense when we go to heaven and will be incapable of sin. Faithful Christians are receiving the salvation of their souls every day of their life. The audience that Peter was writing to lost much in life. The Apostle reminded them that in the center of their trials they were receiving the salvation of their souls in the present tense.
If you do not know the Lord remember everybody has problems but a true Christian has hope in Jesus Christ. Peter clearly says there is a reason and an end to our problems. There is no such promise given to an unbeliever so now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. If you just made that decision go through your trials with Jesus Christ but do not try and handle it yourself because for all practical purposes you are leaving God out of your life. We were created to depend on Jesus Christ not live apart from Him.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
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