Living our roles with proper righteous responses
The Apostle Peter starts out by explaining how husbands and wives should treat and interact with each other so the relationship will work not just on the outside but also on the inside. He starts out with this specific institution but then uses this as an opportunity to speak in broader terms on how Christians should relate to other Christians. He then branches out on how we are to relate and respond to everyone that comes in our path especially in the revenge and tongues areas. The Apostle gets very specific. He gives us a very special promise that the eyes of the Lord are all over the righteous and His ears are open to our prayers but on the contrary is against them that do evil.
Peter starts out in 1 Peter 3:5 and writes the holy women of old time adorned themselves being in subjection to their husbands. He uses Sara as an example in how she related to Abraham. The Apostle then switches over to husbands and tells the men to dwell with their wives according to knowledge giving honor to their wives. Peter does refer to the wife as the weaker vessel but that is how God designed this scenario to be so the relationship would work with each other and before God.
In verse eight Peter is writing in more broad terms telling us to be of one mind having compassion toward one another with love all the while being pitiful and courteous. We should have sympathy for one another with a humble spirit.
The Apostle is still sort of on the same subject but he does change his tone slightly by saying do not render evil for evil or railing for railing. He urges us to know that we as Christians are called and will inherit a blessing but this precludes that we listen to his instructions penned by the Holy Spirit. If we are insulted do not try and pay them back with evil because blessings should be coming out of our months.
The Apostle writes if you love life and desire to see good days refrain our tongues from evil. He did not want our lips to speak guile which boils down to deceit. Peter is saying if we have evil in our hearts turn away from it and do good by seeking peace in a Godly way. I am now at verse twelve but I already reviewed this in the first paragraph by writing the eyes of the Lord are all over the righteous. Let me quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(5) "For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: (6) Even as Sa'ra obeyed A'bra - ham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. (7) Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (8) Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: (9) Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. (10) For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and hid lips that they speak no guile: (11) Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. (12) For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil." 1 Peter 3: 5 - 12.
The Apostle Peter enforces his point by example writing the women of old who trusted in God. Notice the only ladies that can listen to the words of Peter are those who practice having faith in Jesus Christ. The Apostle was not introducing a new precept but reinforcing an old biblical principle. He uses the example of Sara who had the spirit of obedience and responded correctly to Abraham. They had a really good and close relationship with each other. The Bible does teach that wives should be in subjection to their husbands but this has been practiced universally by holy women in all ages. The motive of the lady should not be fear or force but from a willing mind / heart in obedience to God.
According to this passage the husbands have a duty to their wives. In this cohabitation of marriage the husbands should dwell with their wives according to knowledge. The husbands should know their duty / the word of God and always respond with sobriety, love and gentleness. This passage writes that husbands should give honor to their wives or due respect to her and also a place of trust and confidence. Although the wife is the weaker vessel the married couple is equal because they are heirs together of the grace of life.
Notice I used the word "Married" because so many Christians think it is alright to live together outside of marriage but according to the Bible this is living a lifestyle of sin and God will judge this transgression in a very serious way. If a couple is married they should live peaceable with each other in the spirit of love because if they do not their prayers for each other will be hindered. You will then be moving in a direction away from God and away from each other which completely defeats your original purpose of union with Jesus Christ and your spouse.
The Apostle Peter sort of builds upon what he wrote into a much broader precept for Christian living. How should believers in Jesus Christ treat one another? One of our goals should be of one mind in the great points of faith. This should be done with love but it should be practiced among Christians on a consistent basis. Most believers in Christ will differ in some points but we still should show compassion and love. Who knows because we may be the one who is wrong. We should be civil to all but especially give pity to the distressed. God is very close to the broken - hearted so in like matter we should have the same spirit as Jesus Christ.
What about our enemies? This passage of Scripture tells us how to respond to them. If they rail against us bless them and if they talk to us with evil words give them good ones because Jesus Christ has called us to bless those that curse us as Christians. If we obey this biblical principal we will receive a reward in our everlasting inheritance. It says in Matthew chapter five verse forty four to return a blessing for railing. The way we can tell if we are mature Christians is if we pity, love and pray for those who do rail against us because our calling as Christians invests us with glorious privileges but it also commands us to difficult duties. When someone is clinging to us in an evil way like a demon it is hard to bless him or her.
We live in an evil world. If you do not believe me just read the newspaper or turn on the news. I am a Christian. I desire to be perfect before God but like all believers in Christ sometimes we fall short. This is one of the reasons the Bible talks about the tongue. The best use of our words are just one of the ways we can live stable in the Person of Jesus Christ. If we have a sincere, inoffensive discreet tongue then this is a great way to build a stronger relationship with God and live at peace with other people. Even animals recognize a peaceable tongue with the spirit of love so how much more humans? We as believers in Christ should embrace peace when it is offered but even more importantly seek and pursue it when it is denied. There is something about this type of Christian that offers closure in the Person of Jesus Christ to an unbelieving world.
We as Christians should never fear our patient inoffensive behavior to our enemies. When I use the word enemies I am speaking of those people that go out of their way to make us miserable because we stand for and with Jesus Christ. "For the eyes of the Lord are open to the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil." 1 Peter 3:12. God is an enemy to wicked persecutors and has a special care and paternal love toward His righteous people. If we are faithful to God, obeying Him then Jesus Christ will hear our prayers. This should give us tremendous comfort in the peace of the Holy Spirit.
If you are one that does not know the Lord in a personal way I would like to invite you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God in your life. As you can read in this article God is with a person that determines to live a holy, obedient and righteous life before God. This alone would give me motivation to come to know the Lamb of God who died for my sins and longs to have fellowship with me so I would ask anybody why wouldn't you desire to have a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit? I hope and pray you just made that life changing eternal decision because this is the choice that God desires you to make in an honest and sincere way.
God bless you,
Bob D.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Having joy unspeakable and full of glory
The Apostle Peter starts out in verse six by writing that we greatly rejoice but he changes the subject in mid stream by adding even though for a season if need be we can be in heaviness through manifold (various) temptations. Notice the verbs and phrases in this verse --- "Season," "If need be," "heaviness," "Manifold (various) temptations." God controls the trials in our lives unless we insist on sinning and bring a situation on ourselves.
The Apostle makes it absolutely clear that our faith is a trial and it is more precious than gold that will perish. Gold can be tried with fire and in like manner our faith is tried with fire. There is a purpose to all these afflictions and that would be that it might be found unto praise, honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Once again we see another Apostle mention the rapture of the church. It has been said that the Blessed Hope is only mentioned in two passages in the New Testament but the truth of the matter is it is written in at least seventy different places in the New Testament.
Peter writes even though we have not seen Jesus Christ we love Him. The Apostle clearly says we have never seen the Son of God but we as His children believe in Him and we are to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Then Peter writes in verse nine receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of our souls which is another way of writing about our outcome.
Let me just quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular study of the Bible.
(6) "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: (7) That the trial of your faith, being more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: (8) Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: (9) Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:6 - 9.
We might as well start with the first word in the entire passage (wherein) because it denotes the excellency of their present position in Jesus Christ and the hope for the future in Him. Remember even in the worst of our sorrows we always have something to rejoice in through our Savior Jesus Christ. These truths usually involve spiritual and heavenly realities regarding our salvation in the Lamb of God who died for our sins both present and future. We have a treasure in the Son of God and it should always be of great value to us as Christians.
The most spiritual believers in Jesus Christ often go into great heaviness through manifold temptations. Adversities are either temptations or trials. If you will observe closely we usually do not just have one trial but many or as Peter said, "Manifold" and come from different places in our lives but the effect is great heaviness. This does not make us less spiritual. The real truth of the matter is God is testing our faith and character so we will be rejoicing in Him in the end. These trials / sorrows usually only last for a season but the time frame differs in Christians because we are all individuals with different issues. Believe it or not the heaviness is often necessary for our good because the Apostle says if need be, ye are in heaviness.
God does not want to do this to His children but He has to for our true character to come to the surface. Remember Peter told Jesus he would never forsake Him but he did three times and his emotions came out very adamantly claiming he did not know the Son of God. He later learned a very valuable principle with God and went in the opposite direction with great faith in Jesus Christ. When God sees a need to test our faith and character He will because it is necessary to an authentic walk with Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Peter writes about many truths but two are to have joy in the midst of our trials and another is the end of our testing. The afflictions of believers in Christ are designed by God for the testing of our faith. Some may ask why does our belief in Jesus Christ have to be tried by God. Just take a look at our society. Let's say someone knows computers very well and finally gets a job. He understands the technology but faces many challenges in his career to the point where he scratches his head very often figuring out a way to solve the problem. I am an expert in my occupation but I ask the same question at least ten times a day and that would be, "How am I going to do this?" If we are tested and tried in our existence down here in secular situations is it really difficult to figure out that God must test our faith in Jesus Christ. The spiritual is way more important than the secular. Some Christians see this as their destruction when God applies this principle to their lives but it is only a probation period to test and bring us to a point when Godly character comes very natural to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. God desires to bring out the good character in us which is in His Son. If our faith does not fail in Jesus Christ everything else in our lives will stand firm even if our surroundings are falling apart.
Gold is the most valuable of all the metals but faith in Jesus Christ is the most valuable among the Christian virtues and it lasts until we go to heaven. In fact it will be rewarded for all eternity. The trial of our faith is more precious than the trial of gold. If we were to put gold in fire it does not increase or multiply but it tends to become less than the original state; however, faith is multiplied by trials in our life. Gold will perish but true faith in Jesus Christ never will because in the end the trial of our faith will be found to praise, honor and glory to the Son of God. Jesus Christ will appear in glory at the rapture of the church and our trial will be over but the praise, honor and glory will last forever.
Verse eight writes about us believing in Jesus Christ but remember so do the demons in Hell. To put our sincere faith in Jesus Christ is something entirely different. Our faith in the Son of God produces love and joy but their belief produces hate.
There is sense, reason and faith. Sense is when your car is at a red light and it turns green and then you drive the car forward. True reason thinks about step three in the reasoning process and says, "Wait a minute this will not work because ... " but true faith in Jesus Christ is the evidence of things not seen. True faith in Jesus Christ is almost never alone because it produces a devotion of love to God. We have a sincere love to the Son of God because we believe in Him. When faith and love are combined there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Words can not describe this because we have to experience this heavenly reality for ourselves. We have present joys in the middle of our trials but wait for future glory of seeing our Savior and getting our resurrected bodies. You see all of our afflictions revolve around Jesus Christ, not ourselves so we might as well just praise God loudly because this is all about Him. True faith in Jesus Christ removes the cause for sorrow and gives us a reason to be joyful in Him.
Verse nine says receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Christians can receive joy unspeakable because every day they were receiving the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls. We were redeemed through Jesus Christ when we accepted Him into our hearts becoming born again Christians. We are being saved in the present tense as we trust in Jesus Christ in the good and the bad. We will be saved in the future tense when we go to heaven and will be incapable of sin. Faithful Christians are receiving the salvation of their souls every day of their life. The audience that Peter was writing to lost much in life. The Apostle reminded them that in the center of their trials they were receiving the salvation of their souls in the present tense.
If you do not know the Lord remember everybody has problems but a true Christian has hope in Jesus Christ. Peter clearly says there is a reason and an end to our problems. There is no such promise given to an unbeliever so now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. If you just made that decision go through your trials with Jesus Christ but do not try and handle it yourself because for all practical purposes you are leaving God out of your life. We were created to depend on Jesus Christ not live apart from Him.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Peter starts out in verse six by writing that we greatly rejoice but he changes the subject in mid stream by adding even though for a season if need be we can be in heaviness through manifold (various) temptations. Notice the verbs and phrases in this verse --- "Season," "If need be," "heaviness," "Manifold (various) temptations." God controls the trials in our lives unless we insist on sinning and bring a situation on ourselves.
The Apostle makes it absolutely clear that our faith is a trial and it is more precious than gold that will perish. Gold can be tried with fire and in like manner our faith is tried with fire. There is a purpose to all these afflictions and that would be that it might be found unto praise, honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. Once again we see another Apostle mention the rapture of the church. It has been said that the Blessed Hope is only mentioned in two passages in the New Testament but the truth of the matter is it is written in at least seventy different places in the New Testament.
Peter writes even though we have not seen Jesus Christ we love Him. The Apostle clearly says we have never seen the Son of God but we as His children believe in Him and we are to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
Then Peter writes in verse nine receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of our souls which is another way of writing about our outcome.
Let me just quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular study of the Bible.
(6) "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: (7) That the trial of your faith, being more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: (8) Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: (9) Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:6 - 9.
We might as well start with the first word in the entire passage (wherein) because it denotes the excellency of their present position in Jesus Christ and the hope for the future in Him. Remember even in the worst of our sorrows we always have something to rejoice in through our Savior Jesus Christ. These truths usually involve spiritual and heavenly realities regarding our salvation in the Lamb of God who died for our sins both present and future. We have a treasure in the Son of God and it should always be of great value to us as Christians.
The most spiritual believers in Jesus Christ often go into great heaviness through manifold temptations. Adversities are either temptations or trials. If you will observe closely we usually do not just have one trial but many or as Peter said, "Manifold" and come from different places in our lives but the effect is great heaviness. This does not make us less spiritual. The real truth of the matter is God is testing our faith and character so we will be rejoicing in Him in the end. These trials / sorrows usually only last for a season but the time frame differs in Christians because we are all individuals with different issues. Believe it or not the heaviness is often necessary for our good because the Apostle says if need be, ye are in heaviness.
God does not want to do this to His children but He has to for our true character to come to the surface. Remember Peter told Jesus he would never forsake Him but he did three times and his emotions came out very adamantly claiming he did not know the Son of God. He later learned a very valuable principle with God and went in the opposite direction with great faith in Jesus Christ. When God sees a need to test our faith and character He will because it is necessary to an authentic walk with Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Peter writes about many truths but two are to have joy in the midst of our trials and another is the end of our testing. The afflictions of believers in Christ are designed by God for the testing of our faith. Some may ask why does our belief in Jesus Christ have to be tried by God. Just take a look at our society. Let's say someone knows computers very well and finally gets a job. He understands the technology but faces many challenges in his career to the point where he scratches his head very often figuring out a way to solve the problem. I am an expert in my occupation but I ask the same question at least ten times a day and that would be, "How am I going to do this?" If we are tested and tried in our existence down here in secular situations is it really difficult to figure out that God must test our faith in Jesus Christ. The spiritual is way more important than the secular. Some Christians see this as their destruction when God applies this principle to their lives but it is only a probation period to test and bring us to a point when Godly character comes very natural to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. God desires to bring out the good character in us which is in His Son. If our faith does not fail in Jesus Christ everything else in our lives will stand firm even if our surroundings are falling apart.
Gold is the most valuable of all the metals but faith in Jesus Christ is the most valuable among the Christian virtues and it lasts until we go to heaven. In fact it will be rewarded for all eternity. The trial of our faith is more precious than the trial of gold. If we were to put gold in fire it does not increase or multiply but it tends to become less than the original state; however, faith is multiplied by trials in our life. Gold will perish but true faith in Jesus Christ never will because in the end the trial of our faith will be found to praise, honor and glory to the Son of God. Jesus Christ will appear in glory at the rapture of the church and our trial will be over but the praise, honor and glory will last forever.
Verse eight writes about us believing in Jesus Christ but remember so do the demons in Hell. To put our sincere faith in Jesus Christ is something entirely different. Our faith in the Son of God produces love and joy but their belief produces hate.
There is sense, reason and faith. Sense is when your car is at a red light and it turns green and then you drive the car forward. True reason thinks about step three in the reasoning process and says, "Wait a minute this will not work because ... " but true faith in Jesus Christ is the evidence of things not seen. True faith in Jesus Christ is almost never alone because it produces a devotion of love to God. We have a sincere love to the Son of God because we believe in Him. When faith and love are combined there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Words can not describe this because we have to experience this heavenly reality for ourselves. We have present joys in the middle of our trials but wait for future glory of seeing our Savior and getting our resurrected bodies. You see all of our afflictions revolve around Jesus Christ, not ourselves so we might as well just praise God loudly because this is all about Him. True faith in Jesus Christ removes the cause for sorrow and gives us a reason to be joyful in Him.
Verse nine says receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Christians can receive joy unspeakable because every day they were receiving the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls. We were redeemed through Jesus Christ when we accepted Him into our hearts becoming born again Christians. We are being saved in the present tense as we trust in Jesus Christ in the good and the bad. We will be saved in the future tense when we go to heaven and will be incapable of sin. Faithful Christians are receiving the salvation of their souls every day of their life. The audience that Peter was writing to lost much in life. The Apostle reminded them that in the center of their trials they were receiving the salvation of their souls in the present tense.
If you do not know the Lord remember everybody has problems but a true Christian has hope in Jesus Christ. Peter clearly says there is a reason and an end to our problems. There is no such promise given to an unbeliever so now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. If you just made that decision go through your trials with Jesus Christ but do not try and handle it yourself because for all practical purposes you are leaving God out of your life. We were created to depend on Jesus Christ not live apart from Him.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
The Old Testament Prophets longed to see Jesus Christ
In the passage I will be going over what Peter reminds his readers that this salvation that he is writing about is what the Prophets enquired and searched diligently for and they prophesied of this grace in Jesus Christ that came to them from the Old Testament. The Apostle also explained that these same people foretold that the true Messiah (Jesus Christ) would suffer but Peter added and explained the glory that would follow the Lamb of God's horrible afflictions. The main chapter to read would be Isaiah chapter 53. I would recommend this to anyone that can read on the entire planet. Peter probably went into this direction with his readers because they were going through horrible sufferings and he desired to put the subject into greater perspective.
Jesus Christ was not revealed to the Prophets because they were living in the days of the Old Testament but He was shown the Son of God with his own eyes. His audience that he was writing to heard the message of salvation through preachers of the gospel that were filled with the Holy Spirit sent from God. Peter also adds that angels desire to look into this mysterious grace of the Son of God because in laymen's terms it is very difficult for them to understand this incomprehensible love of God.
Peter challenges them to gird up the loins of their minds. He desired them to be sober which in this context has very little to do with alcohol (Unless you have a predisposition to this sin) and have hope to the end for this grace that was brought to them at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Let me just quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(10) "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and search diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: (11) Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. (12) Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the HOLY GHOST sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. (13) Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 1 Peter 1: 10 - 13.
The Apostle Peter goes straight to the Prophets and produces the authority of them to convince his listening audience that the reality of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ was not a new doctrine. These inspired writers of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament were diligent as they wrote about redemption through the Lamb of God. Peter writes the Holy Ghost revealed to them regarding the subject of salvation through the Son of God. In fact he says the grace of God which should come unto you. They foresaw or prophesied from the penned guidance of the Holy Spirit seasons of light, grace and comfort. They wrote the prophecies but deep down I believe they desired to see and hear the truths that came to pass in the days of the gospel. They of course died and had the privilege of seeing these things from heaven.
The Apostle writes they enquired and searched diligently which simple means in laymen's terms the prophets desired to look into this subject of redemption through the coming Messiah frontwards, backwards and sideways. They had an earnest desire to know and were diligent to portray this message to their audience both through writing and talking to people in their surroundings. They were both inspired and diligent in learning about the Prince of Peace to come. If they were so interested in this subject how much more should we be encouraged to not only know Jesus Christ but to keep Him at the center of our hearts.
The doctrine of the salvation / redemption of a person through Jesus Christ has been the study and admiration of the greatest and the least throughout the history of mankind. Those who received redemption through Jesus Christ should desire to search the many different aspects of our Savior and Lord everyday because that is what we are going to be doing in heaven. Remember Jesus Christ was the main subject of their studies especially His humiliation, death and the glory that would follow His resurrection.
If they desired to look into the whole gospel then so should we but I see so many people that are just content with their world. There is an end to that but when we accept Jesus Christ for our salvation this redemption in the Lamb of God lasts forever. The prophets desired to see the Son of man, their minds and hearts were set on the time of this divine accomplishment because they wanted to see the purpose of God for the sins of mankind. In like manner our life will have a time of suffering for our service to God before we receive our reward in heaven. This is the way it was for Jesus so because we are His children it is the same for us because a disciple is not above His Lord.
To sum this particular section of the article up there are three distinct groups of created creatures under the authority of heaven. There were the Prophets who longed to see Jesus Christ but were told it was not going to happen in their lifetime. There were the Apostles who looked into the past prophecies (and saw them with their own eyes) and preached everything to anyone who would listen especially the suffering church. Lastly the angels who desire to look into these truths regarding Jesus Christ and redemption. The implication of this statement at the end of verse twelve is they are having a hard time understanding how great the love of God truly is and they do struggle with this reality or good news that is taking place in many people across this world. Remember angels saw the other angels who followed Lucifer fall from heaven. They saw God bring horrible wrath on societies because of overwelming sin. Now in this salvation context they are seeing murderers, drug addicts and every other transgression but evil people are being redemned through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
I can see why the angels would scratch their heads and keep looking into this wonderful plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. A diligent endeavor after the knowledge of Christ will certainly be answered but several of our requests before God will be denied because we as true believers in Jesus Christ are primarily called to be His servants. If we ask God for something and it is a conflict of interest with our servitude to God and other people we will hear the answer no if we are listening. Most of the times when I write an article God will not let me get anything out of the study or writing because it is for the service of God and other people. It is not about me. Does a waitress eat the food she is serving to the people on the table?
Isn't it interesting that the doctrine of the Prophets and the Apostles agree because the message was coming from the same Spirit of God. If we are Christians we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. He is the Third Person of the Trinity. We are to be obedient in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ but the success of the message comes from the Spirit of God. This message is glorious and the angels long to look into the mysteries of this redemptive truth through the Lamb of God that died for the sins of mankind.
In verse thirteen the Apostle Peter exhorts them to sobriety and holiness. He says wherefore gird up the loins of your mind. When we go about our service to God and other people we need to let the loins or strength of our minds be guided by the Holy Spirit. If we truly desire to be obedient to Jesus Christ we should not get involved in anything that would hinder or hurt us in an evil way because our original purpose is to engage in good for God and other people. If you are one that does not know how to be obedient to God in service then consistently praying to God for direction shows Jesus Christ that you are earnest. It is hard when a person wants to serve God but does not know how. I have been in that place and every single time Jesus Christ provided an opening to serve Him for the Kingdom of God.
In verse thirteen the Apostle Peter writes gird up the loins of your mind and be sober. This is his way of saying be vigilant against all our spiritual enemies but on the other hand be temperate in all of our behavior. A sober minded person engages in this through his or her opinions and in practice. God is the owner of our minds and hearts but we are the managers. Trust me after being under seventy different bosses (managers) there are good ones and bad ones and that is the same with us as believers in Christ. Peter writes be a sober thinker because our work just began at salvation so we should still put our hope in Jesus Christ and strive for more grace. As managers of ourselves we should work hard for Jesus Christ encouraging ourselves because we are empowered by the grace of God through our hope in Jesus Christ.
If the Prophets longed to see Jesus Christ in Old Testament times and the Apostles were excited to proclaim Him how much more should we desire the Prince of Peace to be at the center of our hearts. Now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Remember the Prophets longed to see Jesus Christ in His flesh but we are looking for the immanent return of Jesus Christ called the rapture of the church. Those who go up in the Blessed Hope will see Jesus Christ in His glorified resurrected body and we will receive our resurrected bodies. This event could happen at any moment but if it does not happen today / tonight the rapture of the Church will happen soon. If you just made that all important eternal decision occupy until He comes but long to see Jesus Christ at this glorious event because it is right at the door.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
In the passage I will be going over what Peter reminds his readers that this salvation that he is writing about is what the Prophets enquired and searched diligently for and they prophesied of this grace in Jesus Christ that came to them from the Old Testament. The Apostle also explained that these same people foretold that the true Messiah (Jesus Christ) would suffer but Peter added and explained the glory that would follow the Lamb of God's horrible afflictions. The main chapter to read would be Isaiah chapter 53. I would recommend this to anyone that can read on the entire planet. Peter probably went into this direction with his readers because they were going through horrible sufferings and he desired to put the subject into greater perspective.
Jesus Christ was not revealed to the Prophets because they were living in the days of the Old Testament but He was shown the Son of God with his own eyes. His audience that he was writing to heard the message of salvation through preachers of the gospel that were filled with the Holy Spirit sent from God. Peter also adds that angels desire to look into this mysterious grace of the Son of God because in laymen's terms it is very difficult for them to understand this incomprehensible love of God.
Peter challenges them to gird up the loins of their minds. He desired them to be sober which in this context has very little to do with alcohol (Unless you have a predisposition to this sin) and have hope to the end for this grace that was brought to them at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Let me just quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(10) "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and search diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: (11) Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. (12) Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the HOLY GHOST sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. (13) Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 1 Peter 1: 10 - 13.
The Apostle Peter goes straight to the Prophets and produces the authority of them to convince his listening audience that the reality of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ was not a new doctrine. These inspired writers of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament were diligent as they wrote about redemption through the Lamb of God. Peter writes the Holy Ghost revealed to them regarding the subject of salvation through the Son of God. In fact he says the grace of God which should come unto you. They foresaw or prophesied from the penned guidance of the Holy Spirit seasons of light, grace and comfort. They wrote the prophecies but deep down I believe they desired to see and hear the truths that came to pass in the days of the gospel. They of course died and had the privilege of seeing these things from heaven.
The Apostle writes they enquired and searched diligently which simple means in laymen's terms the prophets desired to look into this subject of redemption through the coming Messiah frontwards, backwards and sideways. They had an earnest desire to know and were diligent to portray this message to their audience both through writing and talking to people in their surroundings. They were both inspired and diligent in learning about the Prince of Peace to come. If they were so interested in this subject how much more should we be encouraged to not only know Jesus Christ but to keep Him at the center of our hearts.
The doctrine of the salvation / redemption of a person through Jesus Christ has been the study and admiration of the greatest and the least throughout the history of mankind. Those who received redemption through Jesus Christ should desire to search the many different aspects of our Savior and Lord everyday because that is what we are going to be doing in heaven. Remember Jesus Christ was the main subject of their studies especially His humiliation, death and the glory that would follow His resurrection.
If they desired to look into the whole gospel then so should we but I see so many people that are just content with their world. There is an end to that but when we accept Jesus Christ for our salvation this redemption in the Lamb of God lasts forever. The prophets desired to see the Son of man, their minds and hearts were set on the time of this divine accomplishment because they wanted to see the purpose of God for the sins of mankind. In like manner our life will have a time of suffering for our service to God before we receive our reward in heaven. This is the way it was for Jesus so because we are His children it is the same for us because a disciple is not above His Lord.
To sum this particular section of the article up there are three distinct groups of created creatures under the authority of heaven. There were the Prophets who longed to see Jesus Christ but were told it was not going to happen in their lifetime. There were the Apostles who looked into the past prophecies (and saw them with their own eyes) and preached everything to anyone who would listen especially the suffering church. Lastly the angels who desire to look into these truths regarding Jesus Christ and redemption. The implication of this statement at the end of verse twelve is they are having a hard time understanding how great the love of God truly is and they do struggle with this reality or good news that is taking place in many people across this world. Remember angels saw the other angels who followed Lucifer fall from heaven. They saw God bring horrible wrath on societies because of overwelming sin. Now in this salvation context they are seeing murderers, drug addicts and every other transgression but evil people are being redemned through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
I can see why the angels would scratch their heads and keep looking into this wonderful plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. A diligent endeavor after the knowledge of Christ will certainly be answered but several of our requests before God will be denied because we as true believers in Jesus Christ are primarily called to be His servants. If we ask God for something and it is a conflict of interest with our servitude to God and other people we will hear the answer no if we are listening. Most of the times when I write an article God will not let me get anything out of the study or writing because it is for the service of God and other people. It is not about me. Does a waitress eat the food she is serving to the people on the table?
Isn't it interesting that the doctrine of the Prophets and the Apostles agree because the message was coming from the same Spirit of God. If we are Christians we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. He is the Third Person of the Trinity. We are to be obedient in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ but the success of the message comes from the Spirit of God. This message is glorious and the angels long to look into the mysteries of this redemptive truth through the Lamb of God that died for the sins of mankind.
In verse thirteen the Apostle Peter exhorts them to sobriety and holiness. He says wherefore gird up the loins of your mind. When we go about our service to God and other people we need to let the loins or strength of our minds be guided by the Holy Spirit. If we truly desire to be obedient to Jesus Christ we should not get involved in anything that would hinder or hurt us in an evil way because our original purpose is to engage in good for God and other people. If you are one that does not know how to be obedient to God in service then consistently praying to God for direction shows Jesus Christ that you are earnest. It is hard when a person wants to serve God but does not know how. I have been in that place and every single time Jesus Christ provided an opening to serve Him for the Kingdom of God.
In verse thirteen the Apostle Peter writes gird up the loins of your mind and be sober. This is his way of saying be vigilant against all our spiritual enemies but on the other hand be temperate in all of our behavior. A sober minded person engages in this through his or her opinions and in practice. God is the owner of our minds and hearts but we are the managers. Trust me after being under seventy different bosses (managers) there are good ones and bad ones and that is the same with us as believers in Christ. Peter writes be a sober thinker because our work just began at salvation so we should still put our hope in Jesus Christ and strive for more grace. As managers of ourselves we should work hard for Jesus Christ encouraging ourselves because we are empowered by the grace of God through our hope in Jesus Christ.
If the Prophets longed to see Jesus Christ in Old Testament times and the Apostles were excited to proclaim Him how much more should we desire the Prince of Peace to be at the center of our hearts. Now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Remember the Prophets longed to see Jesus Christ in His flesh but we are looking for the immanent return of Jesus Christ called the rapture of the church. Those who go up in the Blessed Hope will see Jesus Christ in His glorified resurrected body and we will receive our resurrected bodies. This event could happen at any moment but if it does not happen today / tonight the rapture of the Church will happen soon. If you just made that all important eternal decision occupy until He comes but long to see Jesus Christ at this glorious event because it is right at the door.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
Pure with unfeigned love
Peter challenges his readers to purify their souls but this can only be done by obeying the truth. This can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit. This is why an unbeliever in Jesus Christ does not even have the ability to listen to this Apostle who just happens to be Peter on being holy before God.
Peter also writes about unfeigned love for the brethren. We are supposed to love one another with a pure heart. This is to be done fervently which is not always easy but notice that Peter is urging his readers to be pure before God and we can only love our brothers and sisters if we have a pure heart. This is an example of the vertical and the horizontal. I think of the cross Jesus Christ died on which had a vertical board and a horizontal board. There are many reasons Jesus had to die on a cross but this is symbolic of our relationship with God and people.
The Apostle then tells us how we became born again which is not of corruptible seed but of uncorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. Peter then goes to an earthy example by saying all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. Then he gets more specific by saying the grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away. This is a reference from Isaiah 40:6 - 7. Then the Apostle goes back to the original subject by writing the word of the Lord endureth for ever. Then he comes all the way home by writing this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. First Peter gave background and then he gets personal with his audience in a good eternal way.
Peter switches his subject matter again by pointing to specific sins that will destroy the soul. Why --- because he originally was urging them to be pure before God and people. There were transgressions that were brought to his attention that would render a person to a lifestyle of not being holy before God. Of course the red flag came up with Peter being very spiritual at this point writing the book of 1 Peter. He wanted them to lay aside all malice and all guile. Then he speaks to the hypocricisies, people with the spirit of envy and all evil speakings.
He knew that there were new Christians that he was writing to and all these sins would make them very vulnerable to the world and they would drift away from their faith in Jesus Christ. He says as newborn babes that desire the sincere milk of the word that you might grow in the Lord. How could they grow if malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy and evil speakings were present in some cases? These new believers in Jesus Christ were already interested in learning the Bible so Peter adds you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Let me just quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(22) "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: (23) Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (24) For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: (25) But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." 1 Peter 1: 22 - 25.
(1) "WHEREFORE laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, (2) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (3) If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious." 1 Peter 2:1 - 3.
Every sincere believer in Christ purifies his or her soul. The Bible is the best place to go for purification in our hearts whether we are living sinful or holy. There is one stipulation and that would be if we hear the truth we have to obey God in His word or we will not be purified in our hearts by the truth. We do not shape truth, truth shapes us so to be in a position of our heart possessing the proper soil in our spirit is vital to allowing the Holy Spirit to work through our soul. The aid of the Third Person of the Trinity is something most people do not have in their hearts. This is so important because the souls of Christians have to be purified before we can love one another unfeigned. We will not be able to have charity / love towards one another unless we have a pure heart.
Peter also makes the point that it is our duty to love our brothers and sisters in Christ with a pure fervent heart. You would be surprised at the number of believers in Jesus Christ who believe this practice is an option. If a person does not know the Lord that is one thing but if a person is redeemed by Jesus Christ this obligation doubles where there is a spiritual relation. We are now brothers and sisters in the Lord.
In verse 24 and 25 the Apostle Peter explains the vanity of the natural man. He or she will stay in this condition because nothing can make him or her a substantial person unless one becomes born again through Jesus Christ of incorruptible seed. If a person makes this eternal decision hopefully he or she will have the word of God in their possession set before them in the preaching of the gospel. If we were to look at the most good looking strong individual this person is still a withering, fading dying creature. Beauty, strength, vigor, wealth, wit or honor are like the flower of the grass which soon withers and dies away. What Peter just describes is a perishing creature and corruptible. The only way for this person to reverse his or her plight is to accept Jesus Christ into their heart. This is the only way to preservation of everlasting life. You can stay in your unredeemed state but you will die just like the flower and enter into the second death which will last for eternity.
The Apostle Peter is now at the point where he desires to talk about certain sins. The first is malice. This is settled overgrown anger. This person refuses to let it go or does not know how but it will inflame an individual to design mischief. Guile is the next sin which is deceit in words. The word hypocrisies is in the plural tense which means all sorts of hypocrisies. Envies is a longing at the good and welfare of another. Evil speaking against another is defaming a person.
The best Christians need to be warned against the worst sins. We are only sanctified in part because Christians are still capable of sin and liable to these particular temptations. We can have great service to God but if our duties to people are lax we can not please Jesus Christ nor will it profit us spiritually and our reward in heaven will be less.
Peter desired his readers to eat wholesome spiritual food so they could grow. This is a strong and constant desire for the word of God. The Apostle made it very clear that the milk of the word has to be sincere and not adulterated by the sinful mixtures of men. These new Christians are referred to as new - born babes. This new life in Jesus Christ requires suitable food. For example infants desire common milk and their desires towards it are frequent. New believers in Jesus Christ must also desire the word of God so they can grow spiritually. If a person has a strong desire for the word of God for the right reasons of learning about Jesus Christ this is evidence of a true Christian. These new believers in Christ will grow in the wisdom of God and more grace will be bestowed in their hearts.
The last verse I will be going over is Peter is writing that these honest Christians had tasted the goodness of God. He infers that Jesus Christ is gracious to His people and has in His heart a fullness of grace. If you desire to feel the graciousness of the Son of God who is in your heart then taste it through the Bible. We can not taste at a distance so by experience be united to Jesus Christ in faith through the word of God. The greatest heavenly servants have tasted the grace of Jesus Christ.
If you will notice in this article the Apostle Peter is talking about new Christians. He had a heavy heart because there were certain sins in Christian fellowships that would discourage new believers in Jesus Christ. If you are not a Christian at least through this writing you will have a little street smarts as to what can happen in a gathering of believers. I am not saying it will but the possibility is present.
Now may be a good time for you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Just like this passage of Scripture says read the Bible with an earnest and sincere heart and do not get discouraged if you do not understand a biblical precept because even the greatest theologians get confused on some passages in the Bible. God sees our hearts and knows if we are honest before Him. I hope and pray that you just made that all important eternal decision.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
Peter challenges his readers to purify their souls but this can only be done by obeying the truth. This can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit. This is why an unbeliever in Jesus Christ does not even have the ability to listen to this Apostle who just happens to be Peter on being holy before God.
Peter also writes about unfeigned love for the brethren. We are supposed to love one another with a pure heart. This is to be done fervently which is not always easy but notice that Peter is urging his readers to be pure before God and we can only love our brothers and sisters if we have a pure heart. This is an example of the vertical and the horizontal. I think of the cross Jesus Christ died on which had a vertical board and a horizontal board. There are many reasons Jesus had to die on a cross but this is symbolic of our relationship with God and people.
The Apostle then tells us how we became born again which is not of corruptible seed but of uncorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. Peter then goes to an earthy example by saying all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. Then he gets more specific by saying the grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away. This is a reference from Isaiah 40:6 - 7. Then the Apostle goes back to the original subject by writing the word of the Lord endureth for ever. Then he comes all the way home by writing this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you. First Peter gave background and then he gets personal with his audience in a good eternal way.
Peter switches his subject matter again by pointing to specific sins that will destroy the soul. Why --- because he originally was urging them to be pure before God and people. There were transgressions that were brought to his attention that would render a person to a lifestyle of not being holy before God. Of course the red flag came up with Peter being very spiritual at this point writing the book of 1 Peter. He wanted them to lay aside all malice and all guile. Then he speaks to the hypocricisies, people with the spirit of envy and all evil speakings.
He knew that there were new Christians that he was writing to and all these sins would make them very vulnerable to the world and they would drift away from their faith in Jesus Christ. He says as newborn babes that desire the sincere milk of the word that you might grow in the Lord. How could they grow if malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy and evil speakings were present in some cases? These new believers in Jesus Christ were already interested in learning the Bible so Peter adds you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Let me just quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(22) "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: (23) Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (24) For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: (25) But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." 1 Peter 1: 22 - 25.
(1) "WHEREFORE laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, (2) As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (3) If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious." 1 Peter 2:1 - 3.
Every sincere believer in Christ purifies his or her soul. The Bible is the best place to go for purification in our hearts whether we are living sinful or holy. There is one stipulation and that would be if we hear the truth we have to obey God in His word or we will not be purified in our hearts by the truth. We do not shape truth, truth shapes us so to be in a position of our heart possessing the proper soil in our spirit is vital to allowing the Holy Spirit to work through our soul. The aid of the Third Person of the Trinity is something most people do not have in their hearts. This is so important because the souls of Christians have to be purified before we can love one another unfeigned. We will not be able to have charity / love towards one another unless we have a pure heart.
Peter also makes the point that it is our duty to love our brothers and sisters in Christ with a pure fervent heart. You would be surprised at the number of believers in Jesus Christ who believe this practice is an option. If a person does not know the Lord that is one thing but if a person is redeemed by Jesus Christ this obligation doubles where there is a spiritual relation. We are now brothers and sisters in the Lord.
In verse 24 and 25 the Apostle Peter explains the vanity of the natural man. He or she will stay in this condition because nothing can make him or her a substantial person unless one becomes born again through Jesus Christ of incorruptible seed. If a person makes this eternal decision hopefully he or she will have the word of God in their possession set before them in the preaching of the gospel. If we were to look at the most good looking strong individual this person is still a withering, fading dying creature. Beauty, strength, vigor, wealth, wit or honor are like the flower of the grass which soon withers and dies away. What Peter just describes is a perishing creature and corruptible. The only way for this person to reverse his or her plight is to accept Jesus Christ into their heart. This is the only way to preservation of everlasting life. You can stay in your unredeemed state but you will die just like the flower and enter into the second death which will last for eternity.
The Apostle Peter is now at the point where he desires to talk about certain sins. The first is malice. This is settled overgrown anger. This person refuses to let it go or does not know how but it will inflame an individual to design mischief. Guile is the next sin which is deceit in words. The word hypocrisies is in the plural tense which means all sorts of hypocrisies. Envies is a longing at the good and welfare of another. Evil speaking against another is defaming a person.
The best Christians need to be warned against the worst sins. We are only sanctified in part because Christians are still capable of sin and liable to these particular temptations. We can have great service to God but if our duties to people are lax we can not please Jesus Christ nor will it profit us spiritually and our reward in heaven will be less.
Peter desired his readers to eat wholesome spiritual food so they could grow. This is a strong and constant desire for the word of God. The Apostle made it very clear that the milk of the word has to be sincere and not adulterated by the sinful mixtures of men. These new Christians are referred to as new - born babes. This new life in Jesus Christ requires suitable food. For example infants desire common milk and their desires towards it are frequent. New believers in Jesus Christ must also desire the word of God so they can grow spiritually. If a person has a strong desire for the word of God for the right reasons of learning about Jesus Christ this is evidence of a true Christian. These new believers in Christ will grow in the wisdom of God and more grace will be bestowed in their hearts.
The last verse I will be going over is Peter is writing that these honest Christians had tasted the goodness of God. He infers that Jesus Christ is gracious to His people and has in His heart a fullness of grace. If you desire to feel the graciousness of the Son of God who is in your heart then taste it through the Bible. We can not taste at a distance so by experience be united to Jesus Christ in faith through the word of God. The greatest heavenly servants have tasted the grace of Jesus Christ.
If you will notice in this article the Apostle Peter is talking about new Christians. He had a heavy heart because there were certain sins in Christian fellowships that would discourage new believers in Jesus Christ. If you are not a Christian at least through this writing you will have a little street smarts as to what can happen in a gathering of believers. I am not saying it will but the possibility is present.
Now may be a good time for you to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Just like this passage of Scripture says read the Bible with an earnest and sincere heart and do not get discouraged if you do not understand a biblical precept because even the greatest theologians get confused on some passages in the Bible. God sees our hearts and knows if we are honest before Him. I hope and pray that you just made that all important eternal decision.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
Peter explains the spiritual house
The Apostle Peter writes about a living stone and explains in context who was rejected and how but also on the flip side who is chosen by God and why they are precious in His eyes.
We as Christians are living stones and as Peter says ... "Are built up a spiritual house" ... a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. He goes back to the Old Testament and quotes Isaiah 28:16 which says behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded. This means we as believers in Jesus Christ, grounded in Him will not be confused or disappointed.
The Apostle then explains two different categories of people. Those who believe Jesus Christ is precious and those who are disobedient to God. With the second group of people the Apostle gets more specific by writing that they are stumbling at the word of God. They were appointed to obedience but disbelief in Jesus Christ will cause anyone to waver about their life.
Now Peter is at the point where he explains who true Christians are by writing ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people but then he adds what we should be doing which is showing forth the praises of God who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. This is why it is very important once we get saved in Jesus Christ not to fall back into darkness because now we are supposed to be bearing Godly fruit, not the dead fruit of darkness.
In verse ten Peter reminds us that at one time in our life we were not a peculiar people but now we are and have obtained mercy as opposed to when we did not even know the Lord with no mercy from God. The tone of Peter in context or directly is do not turn away from the Lord through different earthly snares back into darkness. Know who we are in Jesus Christ and live in obedience. Let me quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(4) "To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, (5) Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. (6) Wherefore also it is contained in scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded. (7) Unto you therefore which believe He is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, (8) And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. (9) But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light: (10) Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." 1 Peter 2:4 - 10.
The first truth we need to comes to is a description of Jesus Christ as a living stone. He is referred to as a stone to denote His strength but with everlasting duration to impart to His children that He is the foundation by which they are built. Jesus Christ is everlasting life as our living stone. The Apostle Peter writes His relationship with God is different than His relationship with mankind. Jesus Christ was chosen by God to be our Redeemer but the Lamb of God is gracious to sinners that come to Him by faith. If we do this first we are united to Him but then we draw near to God through holiness and obedience. Jesus Christ should be the foundation of our hope.
God sees His Son as precious in a world that for the most part rejects the Son of God. If we desire mercy from the only Redeemer in the universe we must come to Him by faith and a repentant spirit which is our responsibility but the grace is from God.
The Apostle Peter writes about the super structure or the materials built upon Jesus Christ. The Christian church or the body of Christ is stronger than the Jewish temple. We as believers in Jesus Christ are the living temple of Him but Christ the foundation is a living stone. We are His lively stones and holy priesthood. We are the ones that offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. Any honest Christian understands that spiritual life comes from Jesus Christ. We are not dead in our trespasses and sins but alive to God. Think about this because the church of God is a spiritual house. We build this house daily and every part of it is improving. The house is being expanded because sinners are coming to Jesus Christ every day. Christians are called to a holy priesthood. The Apostle Peter does not say this is an option in our spiritual walk. When we engage in this practice spiritual sacrifices can be offered up to God. We can not do this on our own because it has to be done through Jesus Christ. If we are at this point we can bring everything to Jesus Christ and through Him present them (our circumstances, problems and joys) to God.
He does confirm what he has asserted of Jesus Christ being a living but it is based on an Old Testament passage in Isaiah. (16) "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." Isaiah 28:16. The Apostle Peter desired to give proof and that is the Bible is the only basis of truth that God has given us but the word of God must be taken in it's proper context. Peter also understood that the accounts that God has given us in Scripture concerning His Son Jesus Christ were the most important. Jesus Christ is the head of the church but this is solely a work of God. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone that God hath laid in His spiritual building. Of course the cornerstone is inseparable with the building but it also supports and unites the whole structure. This is exactly what Jesus Christ does with His church which is His spiritual house.
Verse seven implies with an inference that the disobedient will not follow Jesus Christ but despite all the opposition Jesus Christ will still be the head of the corner. It is amazing to me that with most of the world going their own way with this opinion and that law heaven has a perfect structure and nothing on earth or in hades can change this order.
Peter is teaching general truths to his audience about the spiritual building which involves the body of Christ. In verse six and seven the Apostle talks about the good and the bad. The good requires wisdom, courage and a steadfastness in Jesus Christ. Disobedient people have no true faith in Jesus Christ. Those that seem to be the builders of the church of Jesus Christ are often the worst enemies that the Son of God has in this world. Little do they know that the true work of Jesus Christ will still carry on despite these pretended friends of Him.
In verse eight the stone seems to be a metaphor. These words are backed up by Isaiah 8:13 - 14. The chief - priests refused Him (the so called builders) and the people blindly followed them. Jesus Christ became a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. In simple terms those that are disobedient to Jesus Christ take offence at the Bible. If they are offended with Jesus Christ Himself and His doctrine why would they want the purity of His precepts or His presence? The Lamb of God is the author of salvation to a few but to most people that are in sin and destruction who reject Him as Savior and Lord will split on Him as a rock. This is why the Apostle Peter had to explain the spiritual house because the redeemed are part of the house as opposed to the lost which are not in this structure. They are living their life apart from Jesus Christ and are destined for another house of darkness for all eternity. They will end up in complete despair and hopelessness. There are two places we can spend eternity. One is great and the other is horrible but they are both houses. I would rather be in the house of Jesus Christ.
Those who receive Jesus Christ are a highly privileged people. Staying in verse seven and eight Peter is in essence saying if a person does not submit to Jesus Christ they will end up in ruin but if a person does submit to Jesus Christ he or she will be part of a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. The children of Jesus Christ are a family distinct from the common world and separate from darkness and sin. This is why we are a royal priesthood because we are consecrated to God. A true Christian offers up to God spiritual services acceptable to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Christians compose one holy nation. We are servants of the most high and are a peculiar people of God. Jesus Christ gives us these virtues so obviously they do not come natural to us because we were called out of darkness for the very reason of showing these good qualities from God to other people. We can now praise Him who has called us into His glorious Light.
If you are a Christian compare your former state of darkness and sin to you present state in the glorious Light of Jesus Christ. We did not obtain mercy from God nor were we His people. There is a vast difference so let us live up to the high calling we received which is a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy people and a peculiar people that we should show forth praises to God through our obedience and holy living.
If you are one who does not know the Lord now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I would rather be in the house of light than the house of darkness. I hope and pray you just made that all important eternal decision.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Peter writes about a living stone and explains in context who was rejected and how but also on the flip side who is chosen by God and why they are precious in His eyes.
We as Christians are living stones and as Peter says ... "Are built up a spiritual house" ... a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. He goes back to the Old Testament and quotes Isaiah 28:16 which says behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded. This means we as believers in Jesus Christ, grounded in Him will not be confused or disappointed.
The Apostle then explains two different categories of people. Those who believe Jesus Christ is precious and those who are disobedient to God. With the second group of people the Apostle gets more specific by writing that they are stumbling at the word of God. They were appointed to obedience but disbelief in Jesus Christ will cause anyone to waver about their life.
Now Peter is at the point where he explains who true Christians are by writing ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people but then he adds what we should be doing which is showing forth the praises of God who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. This is why it is very important once we get saved in Jesus Christ not to fall back into darkness because now we are supposed to be bearing Godly fruit, not the dead fruit of darkness.
In verse ten Peter reminds us that at one time in our life we were not a peculiar people but now we are and have obtained mercy as opposed to when we did not even know the Lord with no mercy from God. The tone of Peter in context or directly is do not turn away from the Lord through different earthly snares back into darkness. Know who we are in Jesus Christ and live in obedience. Let me quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(4) "To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, (5) Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. (6) Wherefore also it is contained in scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded. (7) Unto you therefore which believe He is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, (8) And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. (9) But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light: (10) Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." 1 Peter 2:4 - 10.
The first truth we need to comes to is a description of Jesus Christ as a living stone. He is referred to as a stone to denote His strength but with everlasting duration to impart to His children that He is the foundation by which they are built. Jesus Christ is everlasting life as our living stone. The Apostle Peter writes His relationship with God is different than His relationship with mankind. Jesus Christ was chosen by God to be our Redeemer but the Lamb of God is gracious to sinners that come to Him by faith. If we do this first we are united to Him but then we draw near to God through holiness and obedience. Jesus Christ should be the foundation of our hope.
God sees His Son as precious in a world that for the most part rejects the Son of God. If we desire mercy from the only Redeemer in the universe we must come to Him by faith and a repentant spirit which is our responsibility but the grace is from God.
The Apostle Peter writes about the super structure or the materials built upon Jesus Christ. The Christian church or the body of Christ is stronger than the Jewish temple. We as believers in Jesus Christ are the living temple of Him but Christ the foundation is a living stone. We are His lively stones and holy priesthood. We are the ones that offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. Any honest Christian understands that spiritual life comes from Jesus Christ. We are not dead in our trespasses and sins but alive to God. Think about this because the church of God is a spiritual house. We build this house daily and every part of it is improving. The house is being expanded because sinners are coming to Jesus Christ every day. Christians are called to a holy priesthood. The Apostle Peter does not say this is an option in our spiritual walk. When we engage in this practice spiritual sacrifices can be offered up to God. We can not do this on our own because it has to be done through Jesus Christ. If we are at this point we can bring everything to Jesus Christ and through Him present them (our circumstances, problems and joys) to God.
He does confirm what he has asserted of Jesus Christ being a living but it is based on an Old Testament passage in Isaiah. (16) "Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." Isaiah 28:16. The Apostle Peter desired to give proof and that is the Bible is the only basis of truth that God has given us but the word of God must be taken in it's proper context. Peter also understood that the accounts that God has given us in Scripture concerning His Son Jesus Christ were the most important. Jesus Christ is the head of the church but this is solely a work of God. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone that God hath laid in His spiritual building. Of course the cornerstone is inseparable with the building but it also supports and unites the whole structure. This is exactly what Jesus Christ does with His church which is His spiritual house.
Verse seven implies with an inference that the disobedient will not follow Jesus Christ but despite all the opposition Jesus Christ will still be the head of the corner. It is amazing to me that with most of the world going their own way with this opinion and that law heaven has a perfect structure and nothing on earth or in hades can change this order.
Peter is teaching general truths to his audience about the spiritual building which involves the body of Christ. In verse six and seven the Apostle talks about the good and the bad. The good requires wisdom, courage and a steadfastness in Jesus Christ. Disobedient people have no true faith in Jesus Christ. Those that seem to be the builders of the church of Jesus Christ are often the worst enemies that the Son of God has in this world. Little do they know that the true work of Jesus Christ will still carry on despite these pretended friends of Him.
In verse eight the stone seems to be a metaphor. These words are backed up by Isaiah 8:13 - 14. The chief - priests refused Him (the so called builders) and the people blindly followed them. Jesus Christ became a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence. In simple terms those that are disobedient to Jesus Christ take offence at the Bible. If they are offended with Jesus Christ Himself and His doctrine why would they want the purity of His precepts or His presence? The Lamb of God is the author of salvation to a few but to most people that are in sin and destruction who reject Him as Savior and Lord will split on Him as a rock. This is why the Apostle Peter had to explain the spiritual house because the redeemed are part of the house as opposed to the lost which are not in this structure. They are living their life apart from Jesus Christ and are destined for another house of darkness for all eternity. They will end up in complete despair and hopelessness. There are two places we can spend eternity. One is great and the other is horrible but they are both houses. I would rather be in the house of Jesus Christ.
Those who receive Jesus Christ are a highly privileged people. Staying in verse seven and eight Peter is in essence saying if a person does not submit to Jesus Christ they will end up in ruin but if a person does submit to Jesus Christ he or she will be part of a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. The children of Jesus Christ are a family distinct from the common world and separate from darkness and sin. This is why we are a royal priesthood because we are consecrated to God. A true Christian offers up to God spiritual services acceptable to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Christians compose one holy nation. We are servants of the most high and are a peculiar people of God. Jesus Christ gives us these virtues so obviously they do not come natural to us because we were called out of darkness for the very reason of showing these good qualities from God to other people. We can now praise Him who has called us into His glorious Light.
If you are a Christian compare your former state of darkness and sin to you present state in the glorious Light of Jesus Christ. We did not obtain mercy from God nor were we His people. There is a vast difference so let us live up to the high calling we received which is a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy people and a peculiar people that we should show forth praises to God through our obedience and holy living.
If you are one who does not know the Lord now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I would rather be in the house of light than the house of darkness. I hope and pray you just made that all important eternal decision.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Our perfect sacrificial atonement and a word to wives
The Apostle Peter starts out by being dogmatic that Jesus Christ did not sin neither was guile found in His month. This means that the Lamb of God committed no transgressions nor was He deceitful in any way, shape or form. I was surprised when I talk to some people that they actually believe the Son of God committed some sins. Their logic is He was a good man but when He came to earth in flesh He surely had needs and was not able to help Himself. First of all this reasoning goes against many Bible verses and secondly Jesus Christ is our perfect sacrificial atonement for our transgressions. If He even committed one sin nobody would be able to be redeemed through His shed blood.
Peter goes on to explain our Savior was reviled and suffered but He did not try and defend Himself but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. Jesus Christ did this so He could bare our sins in His own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness. According to the Bible it was by His stripes we were healed. Through those stripes the Lamb of God who died for our sins was badly wounded. He did this for us because He loves us with an incomprehensible passion. We were sheep gone astray but are now returned unto the Shepherd who is Jesus Christ and Bishop of our souls.
The Apostle Peter changes his tone and subject by writing wives be in subjection to your husbands but the context as to why he is saying this is for them to win their husbands to the saving power of Jesus Christ. In essence the husbands will be won by the conversation of the wives. The Apostle was speaking to the wives so they would be in harmony and proper behavior with their husbands. I have personally seen this happen and there were true conversations that took place because of obedience to this verse.
The Apostle goes on to say let your conversation be coupled with fear, pureness and respect. Peter also writes do not dress elaborately. Then the Apostle gets to the root of the matter by writing let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God a great price because it is imperishable. Anytime we read through the Bible the empathies Jesus Christ places on the perishable is very slim to none because we are just pilgrims and strangers walking through this world. Let me quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage in this study of the Bible.
(22) "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His month: (23) Who, when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously: (24) Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (25) For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." 1 Peter 2:22 - 25.
(1) "LIKEWISE ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; (2) While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. (3) Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; (4) But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." 1 Peter 3: 1 - 4.
The Apostle Peter even gives more reasons to encourage Christian servants to have patience under unjust circumstances. In essence he was saying we were called to endue this way for God. True believers in Jesus Christ are a people called to suffering. We should expect this, deny ourselves and take up our cross because the Lamb of God suffered for us in our sin plight for our good. When we look at what Jesus Christ did for us this should quiet our spirit in whatever we are going through in life. This is why the subjection and patience is explained by the Apostle Peter in that Jesus Christ suffered wrongfully because His words and actions were sincere, just and right. If our Savior did suffer patiently which He did then this is all the more reason true believers in Christ should try and avoid sin. You see everything traces back to Jesus Christ just like the entire universe revolves around the Son of God.
The Apostle Peter seems to be going back and forth with our suffering for God and the actual suffering of Jesus Christ. Peter was trying to explain that the Person suffering was Jesus Christ in His own self and in His own body. The Apostle was trying to explain the difference between the Son of God and the Levitical priests because they offered the blood of others. The sufferings that Jesus Christ went through were stripes and the death of the cross. This was a severe punishment but the Lamb of God did this for our sins. This is insurmountable love. Think about this because Jesus Christ bore our sins on the cross. He took the punishment of our transgressions. The fruit of the sufferings of Jesus Christ was our justification and sanctification. We were redeemed through Jesus Christ but are being cleansed everyday through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit. If we are not being renewed on a daily basis through the work of the Holy Spirit we need to ask ourselves as Christians some very serious questions if you know I mean. We have two primary callings as believers in Christ which are holiness and obedience.
1 Peter 2:25 is a very interesting set of words from the Holy Spirit because we as Christians do go astray based on our choice. In our misery we sometimes walk a path that is dark and for all practical purposes leave the Shepherd who is Jesus Christ. There is recovery by conversion and a return to Jesus Christ as sincere Christians come to their senses and confess their sins .Our Shepherd (Jesus Christ) loves His sheep and is a Bishop or overseer of our souls. This is why an honest believer in Jesus Christ will always try and go back to their first estate. Our Savior and Lord is first in our lives and everything else is second.
In chapter three verse one the Apostle Peter insists that there is a positive role to play with their husbands. He was talking to wives who had unbelieving husbands and rejected the word of God. He reminded the wives that their husbands would see their exemplary conversation.
The demeanor is also involved because a cheerful subjection and a loving respect are actual duties that a Christian women owe their husbands for good or bad. Peter is writing that there is nothing more powerful next to the Bible than a good conversation which involves speech and the proper way to live. This is an excellent way to win them to the faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter says keep your hair modest and do not get into wearing gold because this speaks a message of the world and not heavenly truths. Remember the Apostle just got done saying that we are strangers and pilgrims in this world. External behavior has to be answerable to their profession in Jesus Christ. When Peter writes the hidden man of the heart he was saying beautify your souls rather than your bodies.
Peter was in essence trying to say wives do not concentrate on the corruptible such as wearing gold around your neck but focus on the incorruptible truths of the kingdom of God. The grace of God is special but there is an extra bonus if the lady (wife) has a meek and quiet spirit. Let us just say for argument purposes that the husband is harsh and does not like your faith in Jesus Christ. The best way to win him to the Lord is diligent meek behavior in the Spirit of God. Did you ever notice that believers that really stand out in the Person of Jesus Christ have a command over their spirit because they let the Holy Spirit take control of their heart. The endowments of our soul are the chief ornaments of our faith in Jesus Christ. Our inner man is far more important than our otter man. If we as Christians choose to be calm with a quiet spirit this comes across as very becoming to other people watching because it is a mirror image of the Holy Spirit working through our spirit.
If you are one that does not know the Lord in a personal way I hope I was helpful in presenting the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I hope and pray you just made that all important eternal decision today / tonight wherever you are in this world because God loves you very much.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Peter starts out by being dogmatic that Jesus Christ did not sin neither was guile found in His month. This means that the Lamb of God committed no transgressions nor was He deceitful in any way, shape or form. I was surprised when I talk to some people that they actually believe the Son of God committed some sins. Their logic is He was a good man but when He came to earth in flesh He surely had needs and was not able to help Himself. First of all this reasoning goes against many Bible verses and secondly Jesus Christ is our perfect sacrificial atonement for our transgressions. If He even committed one sin nobody would be able to be redeemed through His shed blood.
Peter goes on to explain our Savior was reviled and suffered but He did not try and defend Himself but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. Jesus Christ did this so He could bare our sins in His own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness. According to the Bible it was by His stripes we were healed. Through those stripes the Lamb of God who died for our sins was badly wounded. He did this for us because He loves us with an incomprehensible passion. We were sheep gone astray but are now returned unto the Shepherd who is Jesus Christ and Bishop of our souls.
The Apostle Peter changes his tone and subject by writing wives be in subjection to your husbands but the context as to why he is saying this is for them to win their husbands to the saving power of Jesus Christ. In essence the husbands will be won by the conversation of the wives. The Apostle was speaking to the wives so they would be in harmony and proper behavior with their husbands. I have personally seen this happen and there were true conversations that took place because of obedience to this verse.
The Apostle goes on to say let your conversation be coupled with fear, pureness and respect. Peter also writes do not dress elaborately. Then the Apostle gets to the root of the matter by writing let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God a great price because it is imperishable. Anytime we read through the Bible the empathies Jesus Christ places on the perishable is very slim to none because we are just pilgrims and strangers walking through this world. Let me quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to this passage in this study of the Bible.
(22) "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His month: (23) Who, when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously: (24) Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (25) For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." 1 Peter 2:22 - 25.
(1) "LIKEWISE ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; (2) While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. (3) Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; (4) But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." 1 Peter 3: 1 - 4.
The Apostle Peter even gives more reasons to encourage Christian servants to have patience under unjust circumstances. In essence he was saying we were called to endue this way for God. True believers in Jesus Christ are a people called to suffering. We should expect this, deny ourselves and take up our cross because the Lamb of God suffered for us in our sin plight for our good. When we look at what Jesus Christ did for us this should quiet our spirit in whatever we are going through in life. This is why the subjection and patience is explained by the Apostle Peter in that Jesus Christ suffered wrongfully because His words and actions were sincere, just and right. If our Savior did suffer patiently which He did then this is all the more reason true believers in Christ should try and avoid sin. You see everything traces back to Jesus Christ just like the entire universe revolves around the Son of God.
The Apostle Peter seems to be going back and forth with our suffering for God and the actual suffering of Jesus Christ. Peter was trying to explain that the Person suffering was Jesus Christ in His own self and in His own body. The Apostle was trying to explain the difference between the Son of God and the Levitical priests because they offered the blood of others. The sufferings that Jesus Christ went through were stripes and the death of the cross. This was a severe punishment but the Lamb of God did this for our sins. This is insurmountable love. Think about this because Jesus Christ bore our sins on the cross. He took the punishment of our transgressions. The fruit of the sufferings of Jesus Christ was our justification and sanctification. We were redeemed through Jesus Christ but are being cleansed everyday through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit. If we are not being renewed on a daily basis through the work of the Holy Spirit we need to ask ourselves as Christians some very serious questions if you know I mean. We have two primary callings as believers in Christ which are holiness and obedience.
1 Peter 2:25 is a very interesting set of words from the Holy Spirit because we as Christians do go astray based on our choice. In our misery we sometimes walk a path that is dark and for all practical purposes leave the Shepherd who is Jesus Christ. There is recovery by conversion and a return to Jesus Christ as sincere Christians come to their senses and confess their sins .Our Shepherd (Jesus Christ) loves His sheep and is a Bishop or overseer of our souls. This is why an honest believer in Jesus Christ will always try and go back to their first estate. Our Savior and Lord is first in our lives and everything else is second.
In chapter three verse one the Apostle Peter insists that there is a positive role to play with their husbands. He was talking to wives who had unbelieving husbands and rejected the word of God. He reminded the wives that their husbands would see their exemplary conversation.
The demeanor is also involved because a cheerful subjection and a loving respect are actual duties that a Christian women owe their husbands for good or bad. Peter is writing that there is nothing more powerful next to the Bible than a good conversation which involves speech and the proper way to live. This is an excellent way to win them to the faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Peter says keep your hair modest and do not get into wearing gold because this speaks a message of the world and not heavenly truths. Remember the Apostle just got done saying that we are strangers and pilgrims in this world. External behavior has to be answerable to their profession in Jesus Christ. When Peter writes the hidden man of the heart he was saying beautify your souls rather than your bodies.
Peter was in essence trying to say wives do not concentrate on the corruptible such as wearing gold around your neck but focus on the incorruptible truths of the kingdom of God. The grace of God is special but there is an extra bonus if the lady (wife) has a meek and quiet spirit. Let us just say for argument purposes that the husband is harsh and does not like your faith in Jesus Christ. The best way to win him to the Lord is diligent meek behavior in the Spirit of God. Did you ever notice that believers that really stand out in the Person of Jesus Christ have a command over their spirit because they let the Holy Spirit take control of their heart. The endowments of our soul are the chief ornaments of our faith in Jesus Christ. Our inner man is far more important than our otter man. If we as Christians choose to be calm with a quiet spirit this comes across as very becoming to other people watching because it is a mirror image of the Holy Spirit working through our spirit.
If you are one that does not know the Lord in a personal way I hope I was helpful in presenting the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I hope and pray you just made that all important eternal decision today / tonight wherever you are in this world because God loves you very much.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
Fleshly lusts, suffering and honoring God
The Apostle Peter starts out by calling Christians strangers and pilgrims which is another way of saying that we are just passing through this world because it is not our temporary home. There was obvious a veiled message to tell us as believers in Jesus Christ to not get to attached to our lives. Obeying God and being holy before Him with one eye towards our real home which is heaven. There are some unbelievers that do not hold very tightly to this world but they do not care about God.
Then Peter goes straight to the point regarding the sin that destroys so many people and he writes abstain from fleshly lusts because they war against the soul. I can no believe the stats of people over hear that watch porn and other related things but it is common practice among many Americans. There is nothing quite like obeying God and living holy before Jesus Christ. There is something about a clear conscience before God which involves small, big, unknown and willful sin / sins. Just like the Bible says do not let the sun go down on your anger before you go to bed the same rule applies to all these types of transgressions. This requires us to be on guard all the time because we are always being temped; therefore, we should consistently be repenting of our sins to God through His Son Jesus Christ. The more specific we get before the mercy seat usually the more sincere we become in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I confess my known and unknown sins and ask God to bring many truths I do not understand to my attention. The Apostle Peter talks about fleshly lusts and trust me if one keeps doing this as a lifestyle the Bible says this will destroy our souls. It is just the opposite of holiness and obedience.
Peter tells us to let our conversation be honest if someone speaks about you as an evildoer. He also writes obey the law but for the reason of this lifestyle being for the Lord’s sake. This is the will of God so with our well doing we may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. There is the law of God and the law of men. In the latter (the law of men) we are supposed to try and follow the rules if it is not a sin against God.
The Apostle Peter explains that we as Christians have liberty in life (some more than others) but we are not to use this as a cloak of maliciousness but as servants of God. Peter also writes honor all men which is another way of saying give people respect. Love our brother but fear God. If you are a Christian this is a reverential fear because Jesus Christ is the Most High. He is the Creator of the universe, the Lamb of God and judge. This should cause us to shake a little because God is God and we are not.
Peter says be subject to your masters / bosses with all fear which is another expression for respect but not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward or unreasonable person. There a a lot of people like this but as Peter says this is thankworthy if a person for conscience toward God endue grief and suffer wrongfully. It is one thing to be buffeted for our faults but it is another thing entirely if we do well and suffer for it by taking it patiently because this is acceptable with God. We as Christians were called into the kingdom of God because Jesus Christ suffered for us and He is our example that we will follow His steps. Let me quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to the passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(11) “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; (12) Having your conversation honest among the Gen’tiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may be your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. (13) Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the King, as supreme; (14) Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. (15) For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: (16) As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. (17) Honor all men. Love the broth - hood. Fear God. Honor the King. (18) Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. (19) For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endue grief, suffering wrongfully. (20) For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. (21) For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps:” 1 Peter 2: 11 – 21.
The Apostle Peter warns us about fleshly lusts. On the one hand he knew the difficultly in abstaining from these sins but on the other hand he understood the importance of our duty to be on guard day and night. Before we go to bed we should pray that God keeps us pure. Specific requests are very dear to Jesus Christ. The Apostle had a strong interest in them because he writes dearly beloved I beseech you. As far as the fleshly lusts Peter was saying it is our duty to stay away from this transgression. The people that Peter was writing to had a strong respect for God with the exception of some problems so he was able to say dearly beloved. There is something about two pure Christians getting together and fellowshipping with each other as dearly beloved.
The Apostle Peter explains our condition in the world. We are strangers and pilgrims but this ties in with his theme regarding fleshly lusts because we should not give in to this sin in our passage through life. This transgression wars against the soul and none is more injurious to our hearts than fleshly lusts. God does not want us injured with sin He desires us obedient and holy before Him.
Peter exhorts them to an honest conversation. They lived among the Gentiles and they were the enemies of these believers in Jesus Christ and spoke of them as evil – doers. What the Apostle was saying is a good conversation may silence their words and perhaps bring glory to God. They may even turn to you and when seeing our good works ask you questions. If this becomes the case then just say not I but Christ within me. Good conversation will encourage but the wrath of man will not produce the righteousness of God.
Peter then says we are not only to be Godly on a personal level but honest with the law. Our duty is submission as long as it is not sin against God. The reason we are to obey the law of God and the law of man is because it is for the Lord’s sake who has ordained magistracy for the good of mankind. The law is supposed to punish evil – doers and to praise / encourage those that are obeying the law. Many times the law remains silent to the obedient so in a case like this just let your peace return back to you. The reason why Christians should endeavor in all our relations to behave him or herself to the highest Godly standards is is to put to silence the unreasonable reproaches of the ignorant / foolish people that are judging other people with less than reasonable standards. Most believers in Jesus Christ have meant these people and it is not easy to respond back in a Godly way but a soft answer does turn away wrath.
When the Apostle Paul explained the spiritual nature of Christians he was saying they were free spiritually. We are still commanded to obey the law of God and try not to sin but if there are transgressions in our life we should always repent. I find myself confessing my sins more than once a day. Not only are we supposed to try and obey the law of God but also the laws of our government as long as it is not sin. In fact if we are believers in Jesus Christ this should prompt us to have true obedience in our hearts toward Jesus Christ. We are free in Christ but this should motivate us to be very careful not to abuse our Christian liberty because bondage will come into our life.
The Apostle Peter lays out four biblical precepts. The first is to honor all men. Rich or poor but the wicked running our government should be respected not because they are evil but for the reason of conforming to the law because of other qualities they may possess. The second is love our brother in Christ because the Bible writes on repeated occasions to engage in this practice. The third is to fear God with the highest reverence. If this is not present the other three biblical principles will not be able to be applied in our daily lives. The forth is to try and obey the earthy governors. Our Christian liberty does set us free from an evil world. We should not only be subject to the good and gentle but also to the evil and perverse. We as believers in Jesus Christ are bound to do our Christian duty but usually it is in the earthy presence of evil in this world. If we are Christians and in charge we should be meek and gentle.
The Apostle Peter reasons with his audience that if they suffered unjustly they should be patient under their hardships because this is acceptable to God. We need to glorify God in the middle of our difficult circumstances. These types of sufferers are praiseworthy, honor God and are accepted in Jesus Christ. On the contrary if we deserve the suffering we still are commanded by God to endure with patience. We should respond this way because of the example of Jesus Christ. We were called to suffering, should expect it and deny ourselves and take up our cross. Jesus Christ suffered for us so we should be willing to submit to the light afflictions of our life and yes there will be an award for us in heaven.
If you would like to know the Lamb of God now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. There is suffering and evil in this world but we should always pray that we are victorious in Jesus Christ which includes abstaining from fleshly lusts. If you just made that all important eternal decision you made the right choice.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Peter starts out by calling Christians strangers and pilgrims which is another way of saying that we are just passing through this world because it is not our temporary home. There was obvious a veiled message to tell us as believers in Jesus Christ to not get to attached to our lives. Obeying God and being holy before Him with one eye towards our real home which is heaven. There are some unbelievers that do not hold very tightly to this world but they do not care about God.
Then Peter goes straight to the point regarding the sin that destroys so many people and he writes abstain from fleshly lusts because they war against the soul. I can no believe the stats of people over hear that watch porn and other related things but it is common practice among many Americans. There is nothing quite like obeying God and living holy before Jesus Christ. There is something about a clear conscience before God which involves small, big, unknown and willful sin / sins. Just like the Bible says do not let the sun go down on your anger before you go to bed the same rule applies to all these types of transgressions. This requires us to be on guard all the time because we are always being temped; therefore, we should consistently be repenting of our sins to God through His Son Jesus Christ. The more specific we get before the mercy seat usually the more sincere we become in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I confess my known and unknown sins and ask God to bring many truths I do not understand to my attention. The Apostle Peter talks about fleshly lusts and trust me if one keeps doing this as a lifestyle the Bible says this will destroy our souls. It is just the opposite of holiness and obedience.
Peter tells us to let our conversation be honest if someone speaks about you as an evildoer. He also writes obey the law but for the reason of this lifestyle being for the Lord’s sake. This is the will of God so with our well doing we may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. There is the law of God and the law of men. In the latter (the law of men) we are supposed to try and follow the rules if it is not a sin against God.
The Apostle Peter explains that we as Christians have liberty in life (some more than others) but we are not to use this as a cloak of maliciousness but as servants of God. Peter also writes honor all men which is another way of saying give people respect. Love our brother but fear God. If you are a Christian this is a reverential fear because Jesus Christ is the Most High. He is the Creator of the universe, the Lamb of God and judge. This should cause us to shake a little because God is God and we are not.
Peter says be subject to your masters / bosses with all fear which is another expression for respect but not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward or unreasonable person. There a a lot of people like this but as Peter says this is thankworthy if a person for conscience toward God endue grief and suffer wrongfully. It is one thing to be buffeted for our faults but it is another thing entirely if we do well and suffer for it by taking it patiently because this is acceptable with God. We as Christians were called into the kingdom of God because Jesus Christ suffered for us and He is our example that we will follow His steps. Let me quote the original text so you can read it and perhaps make reference to the passage if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(11) “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; (12) Having your conversation honest among the Gen’tiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may be your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. (13) Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the King, as supreme; (14) Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. (15) For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: (16) As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. (17) Honor all men. Love the broth - hood. Fear God. Honor the King. (18) Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. (19) For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endue grief, suffering wrongfully. (20) For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. (21) For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps:” 1 Peter 2: 11 – 21.
The Apostle Peter warns us about fleshly lusts. On the one hand he knew the difficultly in abstaining from these sins but on the other hand he understood the importance of our duty to be on guard day and night. Before we go to bed we should pray that God keeps us pure. Specific requests are very dear to Jesus Christ. The Apostle had a strong interest in them because he writes dearly beloved I beseech you. As far as the fleshly lusts Peter was saying it is our duty to stay away from this transgression. The people that Peter was writing to had a strong respect for God with the exception of some problems so he was able to say dearly beloved. There is something about two pure Christians getting together and fellowshipping with each other as dearly beloved.
The Apostle Peter explains our condition in the world. We are strangers and pilgrims but this ties in with his theme regarding fleshly lusts because we should not give in to this sin in our passage through life. This transgression wars against the soul and none is more injurious to our hearts than fleshly lusts. God does not want us injured with sin He desires us obedient and holy before Him.
Peter exhorts them to an honest conversation. They lived among the Gentiles and they were the enemies of these believers in Jesus Christ and spoke of them as evil – doers. What the Apostle was saying is a good conversation may silence their words and perhaps bring glory to God. They may even turn to you and when seeing our good works ask you questions. If this becomes the case then just say not I but Christ within me. Good conversation will encourage but the wrath of man will not produce the righteousness of God.
Peter then says we are not only to be Godly on a personal level but honest with the law. Our duty is submission as long as it is not sin against God. The reason we are to obey the law of God and the law of man is because it is for the Lord’s sake who has ordained magistracy for the good of mankind. The law is supposed to punish evil – doers and to praise / encourage those that are obeying the law. Many times the law remains silent to the obedient so in a case like this just let your peace return back to you. The reason why Christians should endeavor in all our relations to behave him or herself to the highest Godly standards is is to put to silence the unreasonable reproaches of the ignorant / foolish people that are judging other people with less than reasonable standards. Most believers in Jesus Christ have meant these people and it is not easy to respond back in a Godly way but a soft answer does turn away wrath.
When the Apostle Paul explained the spiritual nature of Christians he was saying they were free spiritually. We are still commanded to obey the law of God and try not to sin but if there are transgressions in our life we should always repent. I find myself confessing my sins more than once a day. Not only are we supposed to try and obey the law of God but also the laws of our government as long as it is not sin. In fact if we are believers in Jesus Christ this should prompt us to have true obedience in our hearts toward Jesus Christ. We are free in Christ but this should motivate us to be very careful not to abuse our Christian liberty because bondage will come into our life.
The Apostle Peter lays out four biblical precepts. The first is to honor all men. Rich or poor but the wicked running our government should be respected not because they are evil but for the reason of conforming to the law because of other qualities they may possess. The second is love our brother in Christ because the Bible writes on repeated occasions to engage in this practice. The third is to fear God with the highest reverence. If this is not present the other three biblical principles will not be able to be applied in our daily lives. The forth is to try and obey the earthy governors. Our Christian liberty does set us free from an evil world. We should not only be subject to the good and gentle but also to the evil and perverse. We as believers in Jesus Christ are bound to do our Christian duty but usually it is in the earthy presence of evil in this world. If we are Christians and in charge we should be meek and gentle.
The Apostle Peter reasons with his audience that if they suffered unjustly they should be patient under their hardships because this is acceptable to God. We need to glorify God in the middle of our difficult circumstances. These types of sufferers are praiseworthy, honor God and are accepted in Jesus Christ. On the contrary if we deserve the suffering we still are commanded by God to endure with patience. We should respond this way because of the example of Jesus Christ. We were called to suffering, should expect it and deny ourselves and take up our cross. Jesus Christ suffered for us so we should be willing to submit to the light afflictions of our life and yes there will be an award for us in heaven.
If you would like to know the Lamb of God now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. There is suffering and evil in this world but we should always pray that we are victorious in Jesus Christ which includes abstaining from fleshly lusts. If you just made that all important eternal decision you made the right choice.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
Living righteous and suffering for Jesus Christ
The Apostle Peter starts out in this passage that I will be going over by asking a question, " Who is he that will harm you?" Then he adds if ye be followers of that which is good. Peter sort of switches his tone but it is the same general subject. He writes if we suffer for righteousness' sake happy are we and do not be afraid of their terror, neither be troubled. The Bible says the fear of man is a snare or a trap so no matter how bad our circumstances we should never be scared of people. I am not saying throw out common sense when dealing with troublesome persons but to fear them is foolish.
The Apostle then says sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. When we got redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we were justified but our primary responsibility after we got saved is to allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify our hearts with His peace. This process can lead into many other avenues of our walk with Jesus Christ such as experiences of love and joy which is not contingent upon our circumstances. We become more knowledgably in the word of God which is the next point that Peter makes by saying always be ready to give an answer to every person that asks us for the reason of the hope that is in us but we are supposed to respond with meekness and fear.
The Apostle Peter then writes about us having a good conscience which we can not fake because I have tried it on my journey in life. We either sincerely do or we do not. Let us go with the positive because if people speak evil of us and call us evildoers then they may be ashamed that they falsely accused us in our good conversation in Jesus Christ (our walk with Him).
The next point Peter makes seems rather obvious but it is still worth mentioning. He says it is better if the will of God be so that we suffer for well doing than for evil doing. Peter then goes back to the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ by writing Jesus Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God because He was put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit. If we accepted Jesus Christ in our hearts we were made alive in Him.
The Apostle mentions a past tense fact that Jesus Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison. He gives an example of one of the reasons by writing which sometime were disobedient when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of No'ah while the ark was preparing but only eight souls were saved. Let me quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular study of the Bible.
(13) "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? (14) But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; (15) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (16) Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. (17) For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. (18) For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: (19) By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison; (20) Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of No'ah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water." 1 Peter 3:13 - 20.
The patient humble behavior of Christians is further encouraged by the Apostle Peter because this is the best and surest way to either prevent or endue suffering. Harmful individuals often times like to make righteous people suffer but this is our glory in the Person of Jesus Christ if we are living holy and obedient before God.
If we are living carnal lives then the ungodly is correct in their assessment of our heart. We would have to come clean and repent to God and other people. It hurts to loose but if we did fail through a transgression true character is necessary if we desire the favor of Jesus Christ. If we are living righteous we as believers in Jesus Christ do not have to fear if they strike us with terror. If they give us rage or force as your enemy continue doing good because it is the best course we can take to keep out of harm's way. Let me repeat myself because if we do suffer for righteousness sake then this is the honor of a Christian. The bottom line is there is no reason to be afraid of a bunch of threats or rage of any of our enemies. We need to keep our focus on Jesus Christ and let Him be the center of our hearts. The Apostle Peter writes instead of terrifying ourselves with the fear of man which is nothing but a snare be sure to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts. It is one or the other so I'm going with the presence of the Holy Spirit in my heart with His peace and His power.
Peter also writes very strong on always being ready to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason of our hope. Of course our hope is in Jesus Christ. I hope that goes without saying because our faith and hope is defensible against all the world. We all have the responsibility of responding for our hope in Jesus Christ who lives in us as true Christians. What if we dropped the ball so to speak when called to give an answer and the person on the receiving end walks straight into hell? This is why the Apostle says this is every believer in Jesus Christ's responsibility. What if that person on the receiving end becomes a born again Christian and shakes the world for Jesus Christ? Oh don't you think you are talking pretty high but I am a personal witness and have actually seen this happen. How would we feel if Jesus Christ showed us in heaven our missed opportunity and people went to hell for all eternity? People need to know that Jesus Christ is real, heaven, hell and living for the true Messiah but we do this with meekness and fear (a proper respectful fear). I have seen Christians engage in this practice but they forgot the gentle spirit with the authority of Jesus Christ.
We as Christians need a good conscience and a good conversation. This does not just mean our speech but the way we live. Our conscience can only be clear if it is kept clean from guilt but a good conversation is a holy life. If people falsely accuse us if we have a good conscience and conversation we may bring them to shame. It is not that we want to do this but that may be the end result. The Bible already says in one way or another we will suffer for well - doing so what are we worried about because our life is in the Sovereign hand of God. If we do evil the bottom line is we just have to repent. There are no two ways around this because it is obedience to God. There are plenty of Christians that suffer hard in persecution but remember unrighteous people suffer for their evil doing. At least if we love God and are called to the purpose of His will we suffer for a reason and it is not an exercise in futility.
If we truly take a close look at Jesus Christ we will see patience. Our Savior and Lord suffered very hard on earth but it was for the unjust. He died for our sins. Think about this because Jesus Christ knew no sin for those that understood no righteousness. This is the merit and perfection of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. He once suffered so the Lamb of God could purge away our sins. The design was to bring us to God the Father. He was put to death in His flesh but quickened and raised again by the Spirit. If Jesus Christ was not exempt from suffering who are we to say we will not go through persecution? We already know Jesus Christ is in glory now so it just makes sense that we as believers in Christ should be patient under trouble because God has a plan for our life and eternity.
We either accept Jesus Christ or we reject Him either bluntly or in a round about way. In verse nineteen the Bible says Jesus Christ preached to the spirits in prison which were disobedient but notice the Scripture writes the longsuffering of God waited in the days of No'ah. It is horrible that the whole world drowned with the exception of eight people. The patience of God is so enduring for sinners but if people choose to stay hardened God will give you what you want but you may not like what you get. God is honoring your will because He is not going to force Himself on you. Notice only eight souls were saved so when I hear this false message that the majority of people are truly redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ I understand the Bible does not teach this reality.
If you do not know the Lord now may be a good time for you to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Remember the Bible does say today is the day of salvation. Why because we do not know when we are going to die or when Jesus Christ is coming back for His children. I hope and pray you just made that all important eternal decision because this is the will of God for your life.
God bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Peter starts out in this passage that I will be going over by asking a question, " Who is he that will harm you?" Then he adds if ye be followers of that which is good. Peter sort of switches his tone but it is the same general subject. He writes if we suffer for righteousness' sake happy are we and do not be afraid of their terror, neither be troubled. The Bible says the fear of man is a snare or a trap so no matter how bad our circumstances we should never be scared of people. I am not saying throw out common sense when dealing with troublesome persons but to fear them is foolish.
The Apostle then says sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. When we got redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we were justified but our primary responsibility after we got saved is to allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify our hearts with His peace. This process can lead into many other avenues of our walk with Jesus Christ such as experiences of love and joy which is not contingent upon our circumstances. We become more knowledgably in the word of God which is the next point that Peter makes by saying always be ready to give an answer to every person that asks us for the reason of the hope that is in us but we are supposed to respond with meekness and fear.
The Apostle Peter then writes about us having a good conscience which we can not fake because I have tried it on my journey in life. We either sincerely do or we do not. Let us go with the positive because if people speak evil of us and call us evildoers then they may be ashamed that they falsely accused us in our good conversation in Jesus Christ (our walk with Him).
The next point Peter makes seems rather obvious but it is still worth mentioning. He says it is better if the will of God be so that we suffer for well doing than for evil doing. Peter then goes back to the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ by writing Jesus Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God because He was put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit. If we accepted Jesus Christ in our hearts we were made alive in Him.
The Apostle mentions a past tense fact that Jesus Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison. He gives an example of one of the reasons by writing which sometime were disobedient when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of No'ah while the ark was preparing but only eight souls were saved. Let me quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular study of the Bible.
(13) "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? (14) But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; (15) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (16) Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. (17) For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. (18) For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: (19) By which also He went and preached unto the spirits in prison; (20) Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of No'ah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water." 1 Peter 3:13 - 20.
The patient humble behavior of Christians is further encouraged by the Apostle Peter because this is the best and surest way to either prevent or endue suffering. Harmful individuals often times like to make righteous people suffer but this is our glory in the Person of Jesus Christ if we are living holy and obedient before God.
If we are living carnal lives then the ungodly is correct in their assessment of our heart. We would have to come clean and repent to God and other people. It hurts to loose but if we did fail through a transgression true character is necessary if we desire the favor of Jesus Christ. If we are living righteous we as believers in Jesus Christ do not have to fear if they strike us with terror. If they give us rage or force as your enemy continue doing good because it is the best course we can take to keep out of harm's way. Let me repeat myself because if we do suffer for righteousness sake then this is the honor of a Christian. The bottom line is there is no reason to be afraid of a bunch of threats or rage of any of our enemies. We need to keep our focus on Jesus Christ and let Him be the center of our hearts. The Apostle Peter writes instead of terrifying ourselves with the fear of man which is nothing but a snare be sure to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts. It is one or the other so I'm going with the presence of the Holy Spirit in my heart with His peace and His power.
Peter also writes very strong on always being ready to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason of our hope. Of course our hope is in Jesus Christ. I hope that goes without saying because our faith and hope is defensible against all the world. We all have the responsibility of responding for our hope in Jesus Christ who lives in us as true Christians. What if we dropped the ball so to speak when called to give an answer and the person on the receiving end walks straight into hell? This is why the Apostle says this is every believer in Jesus Christ's responsibility. What if that person on the receiving end becomes a born again Christian and shakes the world for Jesus Christ? Oh don't you think you are talking pretty high but I am a personal witness and have actually seen this happen. How would we feel if Jesus Christ showed us in heaven our missed opportunity and people went to hell for all eternity? People need to know that Jesus Christ is real, heaven, hell and living for the true Messiah but we do this with meekness and fear (a proper respectful fear). I have seen Christians engage in this practice but they forgot the gentle spirit with the authority of Jesus Christ.
We as Christians need a good conscience and a good conversation. This does not just mean our speech but the way we live. Our conscience can only be clear if it is kept clean from guilt but a good conversation is a holy life. If people falsely accuse us if we have a good conscience and conversation we may bring them to shame. It is not that we want to do this but that may be the end result. The Bible already says in one way or another we will suffer for well - doing so what are we worried about because our life is in the Sovereign hand of God. If we do evil the bottom line is we just have to repent. There are no two ways around this because it is obedience to God. There are plenty of Christians that suffer hard in persecution but remember unrighteous people suffer for their evil doing. At least if we love God and are called to the purpose of His will we suffer for a reason and it is not an exercise in futility.
If we truly take a close look at Jesus Christ we will see patience. Our Savior and Lord suffered very hard on earth but it was for the unjust. He died for our sins. Think about this because Jesus Christ knew no sin for those that understood no righteousness. This is the merit and perfection of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. He once suffered so the Lamb of God could purge away our sins. The design was to bring us to God the Father. He was put to death in His flesh but quickened and raised again by the Spirit. If Jesus Christ was not exempt from suffering who are we to say we will not go through persecution? We already know Jesus Christ is in glory now so it just makes sense that we as believers in Christ should be patient under trouble because God has a plan for our life and eternity.
We either accept Jesus Christ or we reject Him either bluntly or in a round about way. In verse nineteen the Bible says Jesus Christ preached to the spirits in prison which were disobedient but notice the Scripture writes the longsuffering of God waited in the days of No'ah. It is horrible that the whole world drowned with the exception of eight people. The patience of God is so enduring for sinners but if people choose to stay hardened God will give you what you want but you may not like what you get. God is honoring your will because He is not going to force Himself on you. Notice only eight souls were saved so when I hear this false message that the majority of people are truly redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ I understand the Bible does not teach this reality.
If you do not know the Lord now may be a good time for you to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. Remember the Bible does say today is the day of salvation. Why because we do not know when we are going to die or when Jesus Christ is coming back for His children. I hope and pray you just made that all important eternal decision because this is the will of God for your life.
God bless you,
Bob D.
Peter presents a way to abstain from sin
The Apostle Peter writes about baptism but he specifies that this does not mean the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If the Son of God who is Jesus Christ did not raise from the dead our whole faith would be in vain. The Lamb of God who died for our sins rose from the dead on the third day. Do you know where Jesus Christ sits now? He sits on besides God the Father on the right hand. All of the angels, authorities and powers are made subject to Him. This is why Revelation chapter nineteen is able to refer to Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords when He comes down from heaven and fights His enemies at the end of the seven year tribulation period.
Once again the Apostle Peter reminds His reading audience that Jesus Christ suffered for us in the flesh so our responsibility is to arm ourselves with the same mind. Peter at this point is talking about the body and he says for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin. I will of course elaborate on this principal after I quote the Bible passage.
Peter does continue on the same subject by writing that people who are redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ should no longer live the rest of his or her time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God. Remember that was our old life before we became Christians. In fact Peter even says that in our past we did the will of man. Notice he did not say we did the will of God. In 1 Peter 4:2 he wrote now that we are believers in Christ we should be doing the will of God but in the following verse (3) he brings us back to our ugly past and says we used to do the will of man. He lists six sins that are very popular in this world which are lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries. As Christians if we did not crucify our flesh to these sins then we need to repent with the motive of forsaking our sin / sins. Let me quote the original text so you can read this passage and perhaps make reference to it if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(21) "The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Je'sus Christ: (22) Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject to Him." 1 Peter 3: 21 - 22.
(1) "forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; (2) That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. (3) For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gen' tiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:" 1 Peter 4: 1 - 3.
I ended the last article in 1 Peter 3:20 on how Noah and his family who believed and were obedient were saved in the ark so the theme continues in verse twenty one in that Noah's salvation in the ark on the water prefigured the salvation of all genuine Christians by baptism. Peter is writing about saving baptism but not the outward ceremony of washing with water; however, this becomes a faithful answer of a resolved good conscience. Once again at the risk of repeating myself we can not fake a good conscience. It is either genuine, earnest and clean or it is not.
When we get redeemed through the shed blood of the Lamb of God then we should get baptized but this all hinges on the fact that Jesus Christ did raise from the dead on the third day. Baptism is a pledge of salvation. The external participation of baptism only means something special to God if we have a good conscience and conversation (our righteous way of living). If we just talk without the substance of the Holy Spirit working through our spirit we might as well not even get baptized because on the one hand we would be saying this is spiritual but are living in the flesh. If there is not a work of God through His Son Jesus Christ in our every day life then our outward baptism certainly would not be sincere before God and people.
The Apostle Peter then proceeds to speak about the ascension of Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of His Father. Since Jesus Christ is now in glory after humiliation we as His followers should not despair in any way but in our short distresses continue in our Lord so we will also be advanced to transcendent joy and glory. Once again upon His ascension into heaven Jesus Christ is enthroned at the right hand of the Father. Angels, authorities and powers are all made subject to Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Peter expresses his exhortation in a very specific way because he writes in 1 Peter 4:1 Christ had suffered for us in His flesh or in His human nature. Then Peter challenges us as Christians to arm and fortify ourselves likewise with the same mind. We already know that Jesus Christ suffered but do we make our corrupt nature suffer by putting to death the body of sin through self - denial and mortification. Another words cease from sin.
Peter writes about some of the strongest arguments against all sorts of sin which are taken from the sufferings of Jesus Christ. There are other reasons to abstain from sin but this is where Peter is coming from in this particular context. Some people might here a testimony of someone going to hell and coming back to tell their story. The person on the receiving end often says," I am not messing around with sin after hearing about that experience." I have heard Christians say, "Jesus is just very good to me and I do not desire to sin against Him." I have heard some believers in Christ say I am just dedicated to what the word of God says and want to follow Jesus Christ. Of course there are other examples but Peter took this approach because he was a witness to the horror he saw as they tortured the Son of God and nailed Him to a cross. In fact the Apostle had so much respect for what he witnessed that he insisted they crucify him upside down out of respect for Jesus Christ. Different truths affect different Christians but the end result should be to mortify our flesh so we do not transgress against God. People are quite in tune with what their sins are but the real question is what are we doing about this eternal issue that will destroy the inside of our soul.
Can we truly have sympathy and tenderness for what Jesus Christ went through for us and not put away our own sin? I do not think we can. Remember the beginning of the way we mortify our transgressions is in our minds so we need to be careful what we allow in our thought life. If we engage in this type of purity the body will follow in obedience against sin.
Peter then explains this biblical precept in a deeper way so we can apply this principal to our lives. He explains that a Christian can not live the rest of his or her time in the flesh which is that independent nature that likes to rise up against God and sin. On the contrary we are to conform ourselves to the revealed will of God because He is perfectly holy. We like to transgress against God because it is simply in our fleshly nature to do so which brings me back to the point that we have to make our corrupt nature suffer by putting to death the body of sin by self - denial and mortification.
The lusts of people are the springs of all wickedness. Temptation in and of itself is not a sin and this can not prevail if we do not allow corruption to play out it's course in our hearts. True conversation (righteousness in our hearts) through the redeemed blood of Jesus Christ changes our soul and lives with the countenance of the Holy Spirit working through our spirit. I often see this in Christians that are living in the spirit. Our mind is altered to holiness and our conversation changes with righteous speech. This does not mean we walk around quoting the Bible everywhere we go but a temperance with love comes out of our heart and cumulates in our speech.
In verse three Peter gives the solution on how this principal is enforced. Contrary to popular belief before we got saved through Jesus Christ we did serve Satan through our sin but now we serve the Living God. If we could hear Jesus He might say something to the order of you serve me now. One truth I have noticed is when a person is truly converted he or she is grieved about their past and how it was "Spent." You see we are either investing our lives for eternity in heaven or we are spending our lives and wasting it away in vain which is nothing more than an exercise in futility. God desires us to give Him devotion in love so our lives will be called according to His purpose.
The will of man is completely different than the will of God. It is unsanctified and corrupt. The will of man walks continually in wicked ways. The will of man makes a bad condition worse. One sin besets another and Peter names six that if practiced will devastate our life and send us to destruction. (1) Lasciviousness which can be expressed in looks, gesture or behavior (2) Lusts which are responses of lewdness (3) Excess of wine (4) Revellings especially if they are to frequent, full or expensive (5) Banquetings which is gluttony (6) Abominable idolatry which is idol - worship which is a violation of the first commandment in Exodus chapter twenty. It is our duty as Christians to abstain from that which is grossly evil but that is usually done by abstaining from even the appearance of evil.
As you can see the will of man can only lead to destruction and devastation. The will of God produces love, righteousness and a divine purpose for our lives which spreads into the wideness of eternity. Obviously the will of man also spreads into the wideness of eternity but the end will be destruction. Armed with this knowledge it is a wise decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God in your life. Where there is sin there is hardship because that is a basic principal in Scripture. This decision through your daily obedience to God and the precepts of the Bible will put you on the right path to not only a relationship with Jesus Christ but sweet fellowship by abstaining from sin and living a holy reverential life to God. A proper fear of God desires more and more of the righteousness of God and a conviction against sin.
God bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Peter writes about baptism but he specifies that this does not mean the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If the Son of God who is Jesus Christ did not raise from the dead our whole faith would be in vain. The Lamb of God who died for our sins rose from the dead on the third day. Do you know where Jesus Christ sits now? He sits on besides God the Father on the right hand. All of the angels, authorities and powers are made subject to Him. This is why Revelation chapter nineteen is able to refer to Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords when He comes down from heaven and fights His enemies at the end of the seven year tribulation period.
Once again the Apostle Peter reminds His reading audience that Jesus Christ suffered for us in the flesh so our responsibility is to arm ourselves with the same mind. Peter at this point is talking about the body and he says for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin. I will of course elaborate on this principal after I quote the Bible passage.
Peter does continue on the same subject by writing that people who are redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ should no longer live the rest of his or her time in the flesh to the lusts of men but to the will of God. Remember that was our old life before we became Christians. In fact Peter even says that in our past we did the will of man. Notice he did not say we did the will of God. In 1 Peter 4:2 he wrote now that we are believers in Christ we should be doing the will of God but in the following verse (3) he brings us back to our ugly past and says we used to do the will of man. He lists six sins that are very popular in this world which are lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries. As Christians if we did not crucify our flesh to these sins then we need to repent with the motive of forsaking our sin / sins. Let me quote the original text so you can read this passage and perhaps make reference to it if need be in this particular study of the Bible.
(21) "The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Je'sus Christ: (22) Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject to Him." 1 Peter 3: 21 - 22.
(1) "forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; (2) That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. (3) For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gen' tiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:" 1 Peter 4: 1 - 3.
I ended the last article in 1 Peter 3:20 on how Noah and his family who believed and were obedient were saved in the ark so the theme continues in verse twenty one in that Noah's salvation in the ark on the water prefigured the salvation of all genuine Christians by baptism. Peter is writing about saving baptism but not the outward ceremony of washing with water; however, this becomes a faithful answer of a resolved good conscience. Once again at the risk of repeating myself we can not fake a good conscience. It is either genuine, earnest and clean or it is not.
When we get redeemed through the shed blood of the Lamb of God then we should get baptized but this all hinges on the fact that Jesus Christ did raise from the dead on the third day. Baptism is a pledge of salvation. The external participation of baptism only means something special to God if we have a good conscience and conversation (our righteous way of living). If we just talk without the substance of the Holy Spirit working through our spirit we might as well not even get baptized because on the one hand we would be saying this is spiritual but are living in the flesh. If there is not a work of God through His Son Jesus Christ in our every day life then our outward baptism certainly would not be sincere before God and people.
The Apostle Peter then proceeds to speak about the ascension of Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of His Father. Since Jesus Christ is now in glory after humiliation we as His followers should not despair in any way but in our short distresses continue in our Lord so we will also be advanced to transcendent joy and glory. Once again upon His ascension into heaven Jesus Christ is enthroned at the right hand of the Father. Angels, authorities and powers are all made subject to Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Peter expresses his exhortation in a very specific way because he writes in 1 Peter 4:1 Christ had suffered for us in His flesh or in His human nature. Then Peter challenges us as Christians to arm and fortify ourselves likewise with the same mind. We already know that Jesus Christ suffered but do we make our corrupt nature suffer by putting to death the body of sin through self - denial and mortification. Another words cease from sin.
Peter writes about some of the strongest arguments against all sorts of sin which are taken from the sufferings of Jesus Christ. There are other reasons to abstain from sin but this is where Peter is coming from in this particular context. Some people might here a testimony of someone going to hell and coming back to tell their story. The person on the receiving end often says," I am not messing around with sin after hearing about that experience." I have heard Christians say, "Jesus is just very good to me and I do not desire to sin against Him." I have heard some believers in Christ say I am just dedicated to what the word of God says and want to follow Jesus Christ. Of course there are other examples but Peter took this approach because he was a witness to the horror he saw as they tortured the Son of God and nailed Him to a cross. In fact the Apostle had so much respect for what he witnessed that he insisted they crucify him upside down out of respect for Jesus Christ. Different truths affect different Christians but the end result should be to mortify our flesh so we do not transgress against God. People are quite in tune with what their sins are but the real question is what are we doing about this eternal issue that will destroy the inside of our soul.
Can we truly have sympathy and tenderness for what Jesus Christ went through for us and not put away our own sin? I do not think we can. Remember the beginning of the way we mortify our transgressions is in our minds so we need to be careful what we allow in our thought life. If we engage in this type of purity the body will follow in obedience against sin.
Peter then explains this biblical precept in a deeper way so we can apply this principal to our lives. He explains that a Christian can not live the rest of his or her time in the flesh which is that independent nature that likes to rise up against God and sin. On the contrary we are to conform ourselves to the revealed will of God because He is perfectly holy. We like to transgress against God because it is simply in our fleshly nature to do so which brings me back to the point that we have to make our corrupt nature suffer by putting to death the body of sin by self - denial and mortification.
The lusts of people are the springs of all wickedness. Temptation in and of itself is not a sin and this can not prevail if we do not allow corruption to play out it's course in our hearts. True conversation (righteousness in our hearts) through the redeemed blood of Jesus Christ changes our soul and lives with the countenance of the Holy Spirit working through our spirit. I often see this in Christians that are living in the spirit. Our mind is altered to holiness and our conversation changes with righteous speech. This does not mean we walk around quoting the Bible everywhere we go but a temperance with love comes out of our heart and cumulates in our speech.
In verse three Peter gives the solution on how this principal is enforced. Contrary to popular belief before we got saved through Jesus Christ we did serve Satan through our sin but now we serve the Living God. If we could hear Jesus He might say something to the order of you serve me now. One truth I have noticed is when a person is truly converted he or she is grieved about their past and how it was "Spent." You see we are either investing our lives for eternity in heaven or we are spending our lives and wasting it away in vain which is nothing more than an exercise in futility. God desires us to give Him devotion in love so our lives will be called according to His purpose.
The will of man is completely different than the will of God. It is unsanctified and corrupt. The will of man walks continually in wicked ways. The will of man makes a bad condition worse. One sin besets another and Peter names six that if practiced will devastate our life and send us to destruction. (1) Lasciviousness which can be expressed in looks, gesture or behavior (2) Lusts which are responses of lewdness (3) Excess of wine (4) Revellings especially if they are to frequent, full or expensive (5) Banquetings which is gluttony (6) Abominable idolatry which is idol - worship which is a violation of the first commandment in Exodus chapter twenty. It is our duty as Christians to abstain from that which is grossly evil but that is usually done by abstaining from even the appearance of evil.
As you can see the will of man can only lead to destruction and devastation. The will of God produces love, righteousness and a divine purpose for our lives which spreads into the wideness of eternity. Obviously the will of man also spreads into the wideness of eternity but the end will be destruction. Armed with this knowledge it is a wise decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting of all your sins and inviting the Son of God in your life. Where there is sin there is hardship because that is a basic principal in Scripture. This decision through your daily obedience to God and the precepts of the Bible will put you on the right path to not only a relationship with Jesus Christ but sweet fellowship by abstaining from sin and living a holy reverential life to God. A proper fear of God desires more and more of the righteousness of God and a conviction against sin.
God bless you,
Bob D.
Assigned roles for the glory of God
The Apostle Paul starts out by complimenting a very dear friend by the name of Tychicus. He referred to him as a beloved brother, faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. Notice the order --- first Paul calls him a beloved brother. If we see our brothers and sisters in Christ as co - laborers in the Lord "First" then we have missed the point. The Apostle goes straight to Godly affection first and then acknowledges their work for Jesus Christ. I believe God matured Paul because he got really angry with Mark. When Paul and Mark were doing missionary work together the Apostle got very upset with him. There is no evidence that either one spoke to each other again on earth. It just goes to show you that even the very best servants of God disagree and lose their cool. Little by little the Holy Spirit shows us love and how to express Godly affection effectively in a righteous way.
Paul was obviously the leader because he was the one that sent this man (Tychicus) to the Colossians to understand their circumstances and comfort their hearts. Very few Christians will be able to empathize with our plight in life and then comfort our spirit. More than likely we will be able to count them on one hand. If the average believer in Jesus Christ does not make a connection with your life and walk with the Lord do not get upset because this role is only designed for a few in your journey down here. I have explained things to some of my brothers and sisters and they responded way out in left field. I often said to myself, "That is not at all what I said or was even trying to portray." Do not get angry because for the most part they probably mean well and like I originally said this role for your peace was only meant for a select number of Christians in our life. If we expect all of our brothers and sisters to understand us we will walk around angry / disillusioned or both most of the time. Very few will see and feel our pain. Then the brother or sister has to give you Godly advise because allowing your spirit closure in Jesus Christ is necessary because we do not want to walk around anxious or fearful. Do you think every Christian in our path even has the ability to accomplish this task for Jesus Christ on our behalf? Good luck on that pursuit.
The Apostle then talks about Onesimus and once again refers to him as a beloved brother but this time the leader is spoken of as one of you. This gets closer to home because this man knew their customs and ways. He was also to play the role of being a messenger of what Paul desired to tell them. Remember this culture did not have technology.
He wrote about Aristarchus who was a fellow prisoner. There is something special about two people that have to go through a persecution together because this is an understanding that can not be put into words. This brotherly fellowship is close in a Godly / friendship way not to even mention that the gospel usually expands in times of persecution. Epaphras felt lead by the Holy Spirit to fervently pray for many people and groups. He may have had a prayer ministry.
Paul talks about Marcus who played the role in reviewing the law of God to Christians. Did you ever notice we live in a world where people play their roles? Of course but that is also the way the kingdom of God is because redeemed saints and angels have a job to do for Jesus Christ. Justus was a servant of the Lord and in this context came alongside of Paul and was used by God to give the Apostle comfort. Epaphras was assigned by God to fervently pray for the Colossian church that they would stand perfect and complete in the will of God. This man had a zeal for the Colossians, Laodicea and the Christians in Hierapolis. If we have a zeal for a certain group of Christians and pray for them there is no telling what God will do because of our prayers. If we know someone who does not know the Lord once again there is no telling how God will work in his or her life. This man had a "Zeal" for who he was praying for and I believe his intercession moved mountains for Jesus Christ.
Luke and Demas played the role in greeting the Colossians. Nymphas offered his home to the people in the church so they could get together and fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.
Paul had a passion to serve the Lord so of course he desired the letter of Colossians to be read in Laodicean not because "He" did the work but because he wanted as many Christians to be edified in the Person of Jesus Christ. Little did he know that centuries of Christians would be reading his Epistles. If he had his way he would have walked out of prison and traveled to other areas of the world to proclaim the gospel. If God let him do that where would we be as Christians today? We do not see our life, only God sees our path and the whole scope of time.
Paul also had some dealings with Archippus and just had a longing for this man to engage in the ministry that he was called to by God and desired him to understand that he (Paul) was with him in spirit. I can always tell when someone has this heart for me. It is rare but comforting.
In the last verse of Colossians the Apostle says goodbye. He asked if they would remember him in bonds (prison). It is good to remember and pray for the bars to be removed from our brothers and sisters life. You would be surprised at all the different types of prisons that a person is going through even as we converse at this very moment. Let me quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular Bible study.
(7) "All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellowservant in the Lord: (8) Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts; (9) With Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They shall make known unto you all things which are done here. (10) Aristarchus my fellowprisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas, (touching whom ye receive commandments: if he come unto you, receive him;) (11) And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. These only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of God, which have been a comfort unto me. (12) Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (13) For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. (14) Luke, the beloved physican, and Demas, greet you. (15) Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. (16) And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. (17) And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it. (18) The salulation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen." Colossians 4: 7 - 18.
Tychicus was a messenger and because of him the Colossians received this epistle. This may have been a small job but it was big in the eyes of God. Of course the church wanted to know how Paul was doing because they took him away to prison. When we are faithful to God we become available for something else Jesus may have in mind for us in His kingdom.
If love is in the center of our hearts beauty and strength are added to our ministry for God. This fellowship was comforting because they really desired to hear from one another. We all do things out of duty sometimes / oftentimes but after a while we become short of heart. This is not good because it does not properly represent Jesus Christ.
Onesimus was converted at Rome probably when running away from his master's service. He might have been a poor and bad servant but after Paul converted him Jesus Christ changed his life from the inside to the out (conduct and behavior). Paul at that point called him a faithful and beloved brother. I know many Christians that had difficult circumstances and were very wicked before they got saved but now are a new creation in Jesus Christ. Hard times will still come in our path but we now have the indwelling power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Aristarchus was a fellow prisoner with Paul because they were serving Jesus Christ so both shared in the sufferings of our Lord and obviously had a very special bond with one another. If you see someone that went through a similar persecution that you went through you will recognize their spirit and be able to relate to them as people. This is an opportunity for a bond in Jesus Christ to be cultivated in the absorbing presence of the Holy Spirit.
Marcus sister son to Barnabas (Paul had a quarrel with him) so this may have been Paul's way of saying I have forgotten and forgave Barnabas and Mark in his heart. If we feel someone has offended us we should find it in our spirit to forgive because in this case I do not believe they ever saw each other again on earth. Do not walk around with a grudge.
Justus was a fellow servant and the Apostle had a very high appreciation for this labor and bond in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Epaphras was the one that picked up on a biblical truth that praying for your friends helps us stand perfect and complete in the will of God. This result will be for ourselves and others but for that to be a spiritual reality in our lives we must first have a zeal for them. This man prayed for many people.
Luke was a physician, a companion in service with Paul and he wrote the book of Luke and Acts. His writing style was very detailed and was very dedicated to Jesus Christ. He was martyred for his faith probably because he was very effective in getting out the gospel and helping his fellow Christians. He said after he spoke of Luke and Demas greet you but unfortunately this man did probably apostatize from the faith. "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed" ... 2 Timothy 4:10. The general trend that I am seeing in the church right now is apostasy. This is because we are living in the final moments before the return of Jesus Christ.
Paul desired the Laodiceans to also read this epistle because he wanted them to grow in Jesus Christ. I feel the same way because I want as many people to get saved through Jesus Christ and be strengthened in the Lord.
Nymphas had a house church and I am seeing many more of these in the world. I think this trend will grow much bigger.
Paul said say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry. Any assignment we have received from the Lord is an honor because we should accept this in the Person of Jesus Christ because it is by His appointment. If we know someone who has been called by God to do something encourage this person because he or she is going to get many downers in life. Individuals that are just negative and want to discourage the human being out of doing the work of the Lord. I know because a number of people tried to do this to me.
In verse eighteen which is the last verse in the book of Colossians Paul desires them to remember that he is in prison. It is always hard to be punished for the good that we do especially if it is for Jesus Christ. In the salutation of Paul he says grace be with you. There is nothing bad about the favor of God because it is all good. The grace of God through His Son Jesus Christ is with us and we have all received a portion of His love but the measurement is up to God on how much of the presence (grace / love) the Holy Spirit will bestow in our hearts. This is what I desire for anyone who has not accepted the Lord into their life. This grace is not available to you because Jesus Christ does not live inside your heart.
Now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I hope and pray you just made that eternal decision. If you made that decision walk with Jesus Christ all the time and listen to God on what He desires you to do for the kingdom of God. Engage in your role for the right reasons of glorifying God and helping other people come to know the Lamb of God who died for our sins.
What is equally important is to encourage Christians to keep abiding in Jesus Christ. I shared with you the example of Demas falling into the trap of loving this present world as a Christian. As a result he was no longer abiding in Jesus Christ and not serving the Lord. Perhaps he came back into fellowship with God but my point is encourage your brothers and sisters in the Lord to keep strong faith in Jesus Christ.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
The Apostle Paul starts out by complimenting a very dear friend by the name of Tychicus. He referred to him as a beloved brother, faithful minister and fellow servant in the Lord. Notice the order --- first Paul calls him a beloved brother. If we see our brothers and sisters in Christ as co - laborers in the Lord "First" then we have missed the point. The Apostle goes straight to Godly affection first and then acknowledges their work for Jesus Christ. I believe God matured Paul because he got really angry with Mark. When Paul and Mark were doing missionary work together the Apostle got very upset with him. There is no evidence that either one spoke to each other again on earth. It just goes to show you that even the very best servants of God disagree and lose their cool. Little by little the Holy Spirit shows us love and how to express Godly affection effectively in a righteous way.
Paul was obviously the leader because he was the one that sent this man (Tychicus) to the Colossians to understand their circumstances and comfort their hearts. Very few Christians will be able to empathize with our plight in life and then comfort our spirit. More than likely we will be able to count them on one hand. If the average believer in Jesus Christ does not make a connection with your life and walk with the Lord do not get upset because this role is only designed for a few in your journey down here. I have explained things to some of my brothers and sisters and they responded way out in left field. I often said to myself, "That is not at all what I said or was even trying to portray." Do not get angry because for the most part they probably mean well and like I originally said this role for your peace was only meant for a select number of Christians in our life. If we expect all of our brothers and sisters to understand us we will walk around angry / disillusioned or both most of the time. Very few will see and feel our pain. Then the brother or sister has to give you Godly advise because allowing your spirit closure in Jesus Christ is necessary because we do not want to walk around anxious or fearful. Do you think every Christian in our path even has the ability to accomplish this task for Jesus Christ on our behalf? Good luck on that pursuit.
The Apostle then talks about Onesimus and once again refers to him as a beloved brother but this time the leader is spoken of as one of you. This gets closer to home because this man knew their customs and ways. He was also to play the role of being a messenger of what Paul desired to tell them. Remember this culture did not have technology.
He wrote about Aristarchus who was a fellow prisoner. There is something special about two people that have to go through a persecution together because this is an understanding that can not be put into words. This brotherly fellowship is close in a Godly / friendship way not to even mention that the gospel usually expands in times of persecution. Epaphras felt lead by the Holy Spirit to fervently pray for many people and groups. He may have had a prayer ministry.
Paul talks about Marcus who played the role in reviewing the law of God to Christians. Did you ever notice we live in a world where people play their roles? Of course but that is also the way the kingdom of God is because redeemed saints and angels have a job to do for Jesus Christ. Justus was a servant of the Lord and in this context came alongside of Paul and was used by God to give the Apostle comfort. Epaphras was assigned by God to fervently pray for the Colossian church that they would stand perfect and complete in the will of God. This man had a zeal for the Colossians, Laodicea and the Christians in Hierapolis. If we have a zeal for a certain group of Christians and pray for them there is no telling what God will do because of our prayers. If we know someone who does not know the Lord once again there is no telling how God will work in his or her life. This man had a "Zeal" for who he was praying for and I believe his intercession moved mountains for Jesus Christ.
Luke and Demas played the role in greeting the Colossians. Nymphas offered his home to the people in the church so they could get together and fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.
Paul had a passion to serve the Lord so of course he desired the letter of Colossians to be read in Laodicean not because "He" did the work but because he wanted as many Christians to be edified in the Person of Jesus Christ. Little did he know that centuries of Christians would be reading his Epistles. If he had his way he would have walked out of prison and traveled to other areas of the world to proclaim the gospel. If God let him do that where would we be as Christians today? We do not see our life, only God sees our path and the whole scope of time.
Paul also had some dealings with Archippus and just had a longing for this man to engage in the ministry that he was called to by God and desired him to understand that he (Paul) was with him in spirit. I can always tell when someone has this heart for me. It is rare but comforting.
In the last verse of Colossians the Apostle says goodbye. He asked if they would remember him in bonds (prison). It is good to remember and pray for the bars to be removed from our brothers and sisters life. You would be surprised at all the different types of prisons that a person is going through even as we converse at this very moment. Let me quote the original text so you can read the passage and perhaps make reference to it in this particular Bible study.
(7) "All my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellowservant in the Lord: (8) Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts; (9) With Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They shall make known unto you all things which are done here. (10) Aristarchus my fellowprisoner saluteth you, and Marcus, sister's son to Barnabas, (touching whom ye receive commandments: if he come unto you, receive him;) (11) And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. These only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of God, which have been a comfort unto me. (12) Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (13) For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. (14) Luke, the beloved physican, and Demas, greet you. (15) Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. (16) And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. (17) And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it. (18) The salulation by the hand of me Paul. Remember my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen." Colossians 4: 7 - 18.
Tychicus was a messenger and because of him the Colossians received this epistle. This may have been a small job but it was big in the eyes of God. Of course the church wanted to know how Paul was doing because they took him away to prison. When we are faithful to God we become available for something else Jesus may have in mind for us in His kingdom.
If love is in the center of our hearts beauty and strength are added to our ministry for God. This fellowship was comforting because they really desired to hear from one another. We all do things out of duty sometimes / oftentimes but after a while we become short of heart. This is not good because it does not properly represent Jesus Christ.
Onesimus was converted at Rome probably when running away from his master's service. He might have been a poor and bad servant but after Paul converted him Jesus Christ changed his life from the inside to the out (conduct and behavior). Paul at that point called him a faithful and beloved brother. I know many Christians that had difficult circumstances and were very wicked before they got saved but now are a new creation in Jesus Christ. Hard times will still come in our path but we now have the indwelling power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Aristarchus was a fellow prisoner with Paul because they were serving Jesus Christ so both shared in the sufferings of our Lord and obviously had a very special bond with one another. If you see someone that went through a similar persecution that you went through you will recognize their spirit and be able to relate to them as people. This is an opportunity for a bond in Jesus Christ to be cultivated in the absorbing presence of the Holy Spirit.
Marcus sister son to Barnabas (Paul had a quarrel with him) so this may have been Paul's way of saying I have forgotten and forgave Barnabas and Mark in his heart. If we feel someone has offended us we should find it in our spirit to forgive because in this case I do not believe they ever saw each other again on earth. Do not walk around with a grudge.
Justus was a fellow servant and the Apostle had a very high appreciation for this labor and bond in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Epaphras was the one that picked up on a biblical truth that praying for your friends helps us stand perfect and complete in the will of God. This result will be for ourselves and others but for that to be a spiritual reality in our lives we must first have a zeal for them. This man prayed for many people.
Luke was a physician, a companion in service with Paul and he wrote the book of Luke and Acts. His writing style was very detailed and was very dedicated to Jesus Christ. He was martyred for his faith probably because he was very effective in getting out the gospel and helping his fellow Christians. He said after he spoke of Luke and Demas greet you but unfortunately this man did probably apostatize from the faith. "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed" ... 2 Timothy 4:10. The general trend that I am seeing in the church right now is apostasy. This is because we are living in the final moments before the return of Jesus Christ.
Paul desired the Laodiceans to also read this epistle because he wanted them to grow in Jesus Christ. I feel the same way because I want as many people to get saved through Jesus Christ and be strengthened in the Lord.
Nymphas had a house church and I am seeing many more of these in the world. I think this trend will grow much bigger.
Paul said say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry. Any assignment we have received from the Lord is an honor because we should accept this in the Person of Jesus Christ because it is by His appointment. If we know someone who has been called by God to do something encourage this person because he or she is going to get many downers in life. Individuals that are just negative and want to discourage the human being out of doing the work of the Lord. I know because a number of people tried to do this to me.
In verse eighteen which is the last verse in the book of Colossians Paul desires them to remember that he is in prison. It is always hard to be punished for the good that we do especially if it is for Jesus Christ. In the salutation of Paul he says grace be with you. There is nothing bad about the favor of God because it is all good. The grace of God through His Son Jesus Christ is with us and we have all received a portion of His love but the measurement is up to God on how much of the presence (grace / love) the Holy Spirit will bestow in our hearts. This is what I desire for anyone who has not accepted the Lord into their life. This grace is not available to you because Jesus Christ does not live inside your heart.
Now may be a good time to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your very own personal Savior and Lord by repenting all your sins and inviting the Son of God into your life. I hope and pray you just made that eternal decision. If you made that decision walk with Jesus Christ all the time and listen to God on what He desires you to do for the kingdom of God. Engage in your role for the right reasons of glorifying God and helping other people come to know the Lamb of God who died for our sins.
What is equally important is to encourage Christians to keep abiding in Jesus Christ. I shared with you the example of Demas falling into the trap of loving this present world as a Christian. As a result he was no longer abiding in Jesus Christ and not serving the Lord. Perhaps he came back into fellowship with God but my point is encourage your brothers and sisters in the Lord to keep strong faith in Jesus Christ.
God Bless you,
Bob D.
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