God is light and in Him is no darkness
This is a very interesting article because this Apostle explains what his role should be but the essence of this writing is a description of who God is and how we are to live as Christians. A very interesting detail of how we are not to live is also provided and the contrast is so clear that you will understand what category describes your life. You won't have to travel to far to figure this out; however, we all need to think or ponder this very deeply because our life determines our eternity.(5) "This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. (6) If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. (7) But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. (8) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." John 1:5-8.It was the honor and privilege of the Apostle John to bring the gospel to the world. Jesus Christ knew exactly what he went through because He was in the flesh giving sermons to crowds so the Savior of the world Himself was able to relate to the Apostles. This goes for us also when we deliver the message that the Son of God desires to come into their hearts.Verse five is not only one of the most revealing passages in the Bible but it is the most popular reason people come to know Jesus Christ. He is "Light" and His perfection can be comprehended to a point but only if the Holy Spirit chooses to reveal this to an individual. We will never know everything God understands because we would be equal with our Savior Jesus Christ. This will never happen because we are His children and the Holy Spirit usually reveals a little at a time to us on a need to know basis.The average Christian that I observe does not walk around 100% of the time understanding the "Light." We are busy with the cares of this world and are surrounded by temptations. If Jesus Christ were to literally and physically come to us in all His "Light" at the very least our optic nerves would be blinded and we would never be able to see again so obviously that is not good.Here is how our relationship with Jesus Christ works because this is the plan of God. We accept Jesus Christ into our hearts and we draw close to Him and then He will draw close to us. (8) "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded (9) Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. (10) Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up." James 4: 8-10.The Bible gets even more specific as to what our role is to God and people. Before I continue we need to understand there is not one imperfection or defect in God. We are so used to dealing with people that have nothing but sins and mistakes in them and sometimes hope deep down we can make some kind of connection. There is an old saying, "You can count your friends on one hand."We look at someone high up in the world and then find a heart breaking imperfection. We get frustrated not only with that but the average person does not seem to radiate the countenance of Jesus Christ. The moral is unless we take the time to get to know the Lamb of God there is no hope in sinful man; therefore, if a person dies without Jesus Christ they will never see and experience this wonderful "Light" but only darkness and the dying process over and over again for all eternity. I hope people reading this article understand that Jesus Christ is the only way.It is very simple --- darkness sees the pure "Light" of Jesus Christ. We are supposed to be witnesses to people that don't know Jesus Christ and we tell and show them the "Light" who is the Son of God.We as Christians have the ability to become dark so it is important that we have devotional time with Him as much as possible. I'm busy in this dark world but we need the "Light" and His name is Jesus Christ.I mentioned at the beginning of this article that drawing close to God is not the only truth we are to be pursuing because the Bible talks much about our lifestyle. Quiet time with God is good but it must be incorporated with the way we live. "If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth." 1 John 1:6. There are two ways to lie (1) Through word (2) Through our lifestyle.Jesus Christ is the "Light" but if we walk in darkness/sin as a lifestyle living in ignorance will be our way of life. The first thought that comes to my mind with this word is an insult to God and people. Jesus Christ is the "Light" and if no darkness is in Him He is perfect with no defects.God has to look and feel our erroneous lifestyle if it is not holy. If we habitually live this way we have no fellowship with Jesus Christ even if we say we do which according to the Bible is a lie. If that is the case we are lying in word and deed. Now we are adding insult to injury.If we have fellowship with God purity would be an example but it is interesting that John says ... "They lie and do not the truth." If our conscience becomes seared and we live a sinful lifestyle the pretense and the sin becomes the lie.John also talks about the person that lives the opposite way of the verse I just quoted which would be Christians that walk in righteousness which demonstrates that they truly know God. Christians that do not live this way are walking away from God. It is interesting that John adds ... "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin." Why because this precious blood promise only applies to true Christians. This promise does not apply to the group in verse six. They just do what they want when they desire to do it, their consciences are seared and they almost never repent to God.It is a good idea not to just live for Jesus Christ but to repent to God our known and unknown sins every night but in the most sincere and earnest way. Transgressions are to be subdued until practically abolished but we will never walk around sinless as long as we are in this flesh walking on earth. In fact John addresses this issue in verse eight. I have never meant the perfect Christian that never sins. Even those that have heavenly fellowship with Jesus Christ sometimes fall but we must be on guard of deceiving ourselves, denying or excusing our sins. We are sinners saved by grace but it is a life of faith and love to our Redeemer with repentance.I think any reasonable person can see the difference between verse six and seven. The people in verse six really don't have any regard for God because their conscience is seared to the point where the snares and cares of this world are far more important than being right with God. In verse seven these people are walking in the "Light" who is Jesus Christ Himself. They are at least trying to talk the talk and walk the walk with God.If you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord in "Light" of what the Apostle John says you may want to make a decision to repent of all your sins and invite Jesus Christ into your life. If you just made that decision live like the people in verse seven, not verse six for obvious reasons. You may want to read the verses in the second paragraph of this article to clearly understand how to live in the "Light" who is Jesus Christ Himself.God Bless you,Bob D.
Tuesday, October 09, 2018
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