Folly and Shame
“He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13. The word “folly” in the above verse refers to foolishness, specifically referring to foolish people. Referring to these same folks, the word “shame” in the above verse is meant to show them their folly is disgraceful, a reproach, an insult, and without honor. This verse speaks expressly of those who answer or draw an opinion about certain subject matter of which they have no foreknowledge. In simple laymen’s terms, this kind of irresponsibility only demonstrates their agnosticism, which simply means they lack any semblance of knowledge.
Supreme folly not only exists but is growing by leaps and bounds. In our current society there is a growing trend aimed towards anyone who stakes claim to the blood of Christ for salvation. What is the trend? It’s hate. Christians are seeing more and more severe animosity aimed at them by foolish, shameless people. They make judgments and answer a matter (on Christianity) before having any knowledge on the subject. Likely as not many of these foolish know-it-alls are only parroting what they’ve heard from someone else, who, in turn, is also parroting what they’ve heard on some previous occasion.
Hatred concerning Christians and Christianity is clearly advancing, and without a doubt the biggest promoters of this satanic advancement are those who are consumed with the homosexual lifestyle and those who condone that lifestyle. This vicious and venomous attitude toward Christ’s followers is infectious, infecting many more who, even though they are not wrought in that abominable lifestyle, join in the hate spewed by those who are. Yet they have no knowledge of what Christianity really consists of. Since those of us who are actually born again stand firm on God’s word, and since His word fully condemns the homosexual lifestyle, we’re hated and persecuted.
What we are witnessing in a society where at one time Christianity was embraced by a majority, is the proverbial snowball effect. This extreme hatred, now being accepted by many and aimed at anyone who even looks like they might be a professing Christian, is beginning to resemble an out of control train just before it hits the log wall at the end of the track. Every day more and more followers of Jesus Christ are being persecuted, ridiculed, and condemned for their faith by foolish people without any knowledge as to what that faith holds.
“The separation of Church and State” is a concept contrived from a simple letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802, and is now promoted as constitutional, yet that phrase cannot be found, nor is it implied, on any page of the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. This underhanded and intentional deception has been one of the greatest weapons in the enemy’s arsenal to force the Church here in the U.S. into silence here in the U.S. If the Christian church doesn’t toe the line (fall into step with the rest of the world) we will be fully condemned and persecuted by our now very secular humanist government. Many Churches in America have learned how to “fit in” with the world, thus they are no longer a threat to the secular humanists. Still, many other Churches remain firm holding onto the truth of God’s word. Hence they open themselves up to untold hate followed by persecution.
There are obvious signs of hatred developing into a major crescendo and will at some point, in the not too distant future, envelop all who are not followers of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t noticed any hatred or if you disagree with my analysis of the current sentiments of much of world, then the only thing I can tell you is that your eyes must be closed, your ears covered, and your head buried in the gullible sinking sands of doubt. Hate will appear in many forms and arrive from many different directions.
We who follow Jesus Christ unabashedly know there’s nothing to fear from those who hate us. But those who hate us fear us without even knowing why. Many people today, through the teaching of the lie of evolution, consider Christians and Christianity a huge disgrace on the rest of the populous, and an evil religion. These uninformed individuals believe that their children are in grave danger through the promotion of Christianity. They believe that any Christian evangelizing of the populous is an attempt at brainwashing, and a severe attack on their children. Fear and ignorance of the truth is the fuel that’s currently stoking the flames of hatred across the full spectrum of earth dwellers (the lost).
Out in the wide world of internet commentary and blogs, venomous hatred pointed at Christians can easily be found. Don’t take my word for it, but if you’re interested do your own search, although I don’t recommend it. Many of these folks say we (Christians) should all be imprisoned, still others suggest prison is too good and death is the only solution to eliminating the Christian influence from the world scene. Little do they realize but their wishes of the elimination of all true Christians from planet earth will soon come to fruition.
These folks actually believe that what we teach in our homes and in our Christian Churches to our children concerning the Bible and the Son of God should be deemed child abuse. I read recently on a website which I frequent daily, that some of these folks suggest Christians are so stupid that we are a disgrace to the human race. Anti-Christian sentiment is growing and the Bible says we are to expect much more as the end approaches.
“How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?” Proverbs 1:22. So many people today are absolutely, completely biblically illiterate and yet they publicly mock and ridicule the Bible with fierce abandon, which plainly displays their complete lack of knowledge and relegates them to the category of fools. They hate knowledge and take delight in scorning and hatred of Christians.
“…fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7b. The Bible is clearly speaking of the intentions of the foolish. They despise wisdom, they loath it. And instruction in the truth is scorned, even spurned. How can righteous people contend with the likes of these?
To begin with, there must be a healthy fear of the Lord. To fear God, according to those who are lost, is simply foolishness. Fear is not an unhealthy trait. Born again believers fear God, we revere Him, we respect Him, but more than that we love Him. We see and receive His awesome blessings and yet we know that He can, without effort, stop life in its tracks.
Those who hate God mock Him; ignorance is becoming common place. A lack of understanding, in many cases, is the only reason for hate. That so many are obsessed with hating Jesus Christ and His follower’s is quite disconcerting. Hate is ugly no matter who is involved and when it is condoned, as we see it occurring in many venues of daily living today, we naturally become concerned. But when the hate and devastation affects our brethren it affects us all.
The politically correct crowd in the Church today, as I mentioned earlier, are in lockstep with the secular world. Thus when they encounter a believer who actually holds the truth of the Bible supreme and inerrant, who takes God’s Word literally and seriously, and believes that God says what He means and means what He says, this evil crowd turns to the only arsenal within their grasp. Satan lays it at their feet and they dutifully wield it with all determination, and in many cases with great expertise. What is it? Condemnation. Yes, even in the church there are those who condemn others of the Christian faith who will not toe the politically correct line.
We expect hate and persecution from the foolish lost people of the world, but it is always flabbergasting when we encounter such hate from those who’ve supposedly turned these godless attitudes over to their redeemer. Hate is a powerful tool of the enemy of God and can be quite contagious. When not held in check, when allowed to spread, hate becomes all consuming like a wildfire ultimately affecting everyone in its path.
The end of all this insanity is upon us and we can see it approaching by watching the cataclysmic increases in not only famines and earthquakes, but also a world poised on the brink of war. “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12. We are currently inundated with thriving iniquity (wickedness). The result of such wickedness is the contamination of the heart. Once loving, caring, giving folks are turned into patrons of evil. Hearts have grown as cold as a block of ice, and hate is the flavor of the hour.
This trend seen in the current attitude of hate towards Christians is not new. In the twentieth century alone more Christians were martyred for their faith than in all the other centuries since the ascension of Christ combined. Just like Jesus told us, the hate is unavoidable.
When something approaches that affects our spirit so dramatically, we should know there’s only one course of action for the born again believer in Christ. Put on the full armor of God. Why? “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12.
All this hate toward Christians is satanic; Satan and his hoard of demons are all too ready to incite more and more hatred toward the followers of Jesus Christ to the point that the whole world will one day fall in step. We who stand with Jesus Christ realize that the fight has intensified because of the lateness of the hour. Just like those of us who are attuned to the signs of the times, so Satan understands those same signs and is fully aware that his time on earth is running out. If he’s going to corrupt many more lives he must shift into high gear. Hence, all the animosity and hate aimed at the brethren from the lost and perishing. Demoralize and destabilize the message bearer and the lost might just remain lost. After all, what man or woman will intentionally walk across burning coals if the path going around those coals is clear and comfortable?
Becoming a Christian, and I mean a truly born again believer in Christ, in an atmosphere of pure hate which is being propagated worldwide can be frightening and discouraging. Persecution of the saints is not to be dismissed as simply a concept of a by-gone era. Preparing one’s self with the armor of God as described in Ephesians 6 is the work of a prudent Christian. These days are filled with hatefulness and everyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ will experience the persecution of hate. On the upside, the Rapture of the Church is most certainly on the cusp. Stand firm in the face of all adversity, you won’t regret it.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” 1 Peter 1:3-7.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
96 County Road 5480 – Salem, MO 65560
All scripture is from the KJV and God breathed
Friday, March 11, 2011
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