Here We Go Again
A recent article circulating various news sites proclaimed 24% of American’s have made it known that they believe Barack Obama to be Muslim, not Christian, so the media is on a frenzy to prove his Christianity. The fact that everything he does is contrary to God and the fact that he promotes the Muslim faith every chance he gets couldn’t have anything to do with folks believing him to be Muslim, or could it? Perhaps the fact that he was born into a Muslim family with a Muslim father has something to do with what faith he embraces. Muslims claim that all children born into Muslim families are indoctrinated into the Islamic faith. So where would that leave Barack Obama?
The truth is Obama has never publically denounced his Muslim faith, and the fact that he enjoys an especially close association with those who adhere to the religion of Islam could be part of the reason many consider him a Muslim trying to hide himself in sheep’s clothing (pun intended). As we take a look at the people standing alongside Obama claiming he is a Christian, we can readily see they have no concept of just what constitutes the Christian faith.
Consider the following; these Obamaites say he prays every day, so do Muslims. They say he has Christian advisors (debatable), but he’s also saddled himself with Muslim advisors. They say he has his own special way of looking at the resurrection, yeah, as do all Muslims, (in their minds it didn’t happen). And those talking heads that speak for Obama regarding his religious faith, as well as the mainstream media, feel these things prove he’s a Christian.
The fact is, those of us who are actually born again know there is only one way to become a Christian. And it isn’t through the occasional lip service the media deems sufficient proof of one’s Christian faith. To be a “Christian” takes commitment to Christ, and many times we are faced with sacrificing family ties, friendships, even jobs for our faith. Believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is a full, lifetime pursuit. There’s really no difficulty in accepting the truth of the Gospel of Christ, the difficulty comes in embracing that truth for life.
How can I be saved? “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” John 6:28-29. The people came to Jesus while He was at Capernaum and inquired of Him what they must do to do the work of God. In other words, what must they do to be saved? And what was Jesus’ answer? “… that ye believe on him whom he (God the Father) hath sent.” John 6:29b. How do we believe? By placing our faith, our trust, our very lives in Jesus’ hands. At the moment we’ve done that we are instantly born again (justified in the Father’s eyes) saved for eternity.
This is not just a causal belief system Jesus is referring to. No, our lives will go through a supernatural change. Even our own family members may ask “What happened to you?” Some may even disown us. When we become born again, born from above, born of God we begin a whole new life with a whole different family. Our faith now resides in God; we who are born again trust God and believe His inerrant word.
People listen to Obama as he claims to be a Christian and they believe him. Why? Because those folks have no concept of what it means to be born again. I’ve listened to Obama many times, but I’ve never heard him say he was born again, or when and where his conversion took place. I have heard him say, though, that he believes there are many paths that lead to Heaven, which in turn tells me he believes our Lord Jesus Christ, the one he claims to follow, is a liar (John 14:6).
“You seem to be somewhat judgmental Ron.” Do I? Over and over again, when I write about Obama, predictably I’m sent the scripture verse that reads “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Matthew 7:1. Excuse me, but Jesus also gives the following admonition: “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” John 7:24. Again, predictably, that one they conveniently omit.
The Greek word for judge is “krino” and it means “to call into question”. This is what Jesus means when He says “judge with righteous judgment”. We are to call into question the unbiblical actions of individuals and discern for ourselves whether or not to follow such a person. This is something that is sorely lacking in the Christian community today. It seems everyone is afraid of being accused of judging others. Mostly this misrepresentation of scriptures comes from those who are not following Jesus at all, let alone being biblically knowledgeable. When that verse is used it is always in relationship to someone condemning someone else’s seemingly judgmental attitude. Christians aren’t to condemn, but we are to judge/call into question the actions of others and use biblical discernment to do so.
Obama displays no devotion to Jesus Christ; actually quite the opposite is true. No one can be a follower of Jesus Christ while standing so firmly against Him. No born again believer in Christ is going to promote and advance the Islamic religion. Obama, besides following Satan’s agenda by promoting and declaring Islam to be a religion of peace, is fully following Satan in other arenas as well. Obama is the most abortion happy president in the history of the United States. If he knew his Bible and believed it to be the inerrant word of God that it is, he could never condone the murder of the innocent.
Obama, as sitting president, is the most open and visible supporter of the homosexual agenda in our history. How can a born again believer in Christ stand so opposed to God and His word? How can any follower of Jesus Christ call evil good and good evil? “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” Isaiah 5:20-21. Old Testament or New, standing against God in any sense is not following Jesus’ admonition “If ye love me keep my commandments” John 14:15.
Here’s another fact that must not be overlooked. Anyone who supports Obama is also a supporter of the same satanic agendas. Whether or not you agree with my above statement is inconsequential, it’s God’s stance on these issues that concerns me and that is where I take my stand using biblical discernment.
Not everyone worships the God of the Bible; but multitudes worship the god of this world. Yet they believe they are worshipping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. True Christians know that Jesus Christ is the Creator of the Universe, and the One and only God worthy of our worship.
Why doesn’t anyone ask Obama if he believes Jesus Christ is everything the Bible says He is? I’ll tell you why. In a YouTube video Obama has admitted no confidence in the Bible. In this same video he makes statements to the fact that he believes Jesus to be a great teacher, a great humanitarian, but never in that video or in any of his speeches does he refer to Jesus Christ as God Almighty. Obama disparages the Bible; but question him on what he thinks about the Koran, and you’ll quickly see where his allegiance stands.
Perhaps someday Obama will follow his own mantra and make a “change”. He may one day see the truth and actually become a true follower of Jesus Christ. Every one of us should be praying for that day to come soon. But as of this writing that day has yet to materialize and nothing I see coming from this man indicates that a conversion experience is even on the horizon.
I’ll be the first to admit that we are all sinners, but all born again believers in Christ believe the Bible is God’s inerrant word and that those words are not to be taken lightly. Obama claims the Bible contains numerous obscure verses. No, there’s nothing vague, unclear, ambiguous, or doubtful about God’s word.
Many folks claim to be a Christian, just like Obama, but the proof is in the pudding. “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 7:16-21.
The fruit America and the rest of the world sees coming from Obama is far from anything that might even minutely resemble a good tree bringing forth good fruit. All we see is corruption and lies “neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Jesus says every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit must be hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Obama says this nation is not a Christian nation, a claim he seems to be proud of. I agree this nation is currently far from being a “Christian nation”, but it was established on Christian principles a mere two centuries ago. Yet I’ve never heard that fact brought out in any of Obama’s speeches.
He claims that Muslims are responsible for the majority of the innovations that have occurred over the last few centuries. To say that, one would need to exclude the mass of innovations made by the Jews. Of course we know the Muslims hate the Jews so there’s nothing eye opening about Obama’s statement when one actually understands who and what Obama really is.
Barack Obama believes that all Muslims are worshipping the one true God. He believes this falsehood because he is a Muslim and stands alongside his own. No true follower of Jesus Christ will ever make the statement “Muslims worship the one true God.” It is impossible to make that statement if God’s Holy Spirit dwells within you. Why? Because allah, the Babylonian moon god, is the antithesis of God Almighty.
As stated earlier, there is more to being a Christian than the US news media, or even many citizens of the US comprehend. By and large, most folks have no understanding of God’s word; in the minds of these two groups, the media and many US citizens, anyone who says they’re a Christian must be Christian. Otherwise why would anyone make such an outlandish claim? Why would anyone want to be something many Americans, as well as much of the news media, deplore? In Obama’s case, claiming to be Christian influences people; better stated, he gained the votes of the uninformed Christians through his false assertion that he is one.
Friends, Obama is not a Christian, and those 24% of American’s who were surveyed recently saying he’s Muslim are 100% correct. Will we in this country be forced to live under the regime of this socialist, Marxist, Muslim president for two full terms? God forbid it. After all America may not survive one term under Obama. If you are a Christian, a true born again believer in Christ, and you don’t see the truth about this man yet, hold onto your hats, you soon will.
There is a curse on this Nation, my friends, and its name is Barack Hussein Obama. Pray for God’s intervention in this matter, and soon.
God bless you all,
Ron Graham
All scripture is KJV and God breathed
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