Bob D (30 March 2007) "The Grace of God and Five Part One"
The Grace of God and Five Part One
I have to be honest with you. I have gone over four numbers so far and I am most excited about explaining this subject. I have heard people say "too much grace is not good," yet as I read the Bible I find this statement to be incorrect from God to His Children.It is true in one respect that we have to live our lives but to put limits on the grace of God sounds impossible to me. We cannot understand how much God really does love us. I recently went over this number and explained from a worldly point of view that in essence we are surrounded by four walls. That is a prison. I also went over the transcendent meaning of the number 4 which speaks of the love of God. So here we see an option, a choice as it were-the confines of the world system or the love of God flowing through our spirit. Then we arrive at the number 5 which has grace written all over the number. Get excited about this because in a world of law we need all the grace we can receive from God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Did you notice how this world is getting more "law originated?" Some people would respond "well it has always been like that." I would say "there is no question about that." What I am talking about is a trend that I am noticing on planet earth in comparison to the 1990's up to this point. Back in the 1990's the concentration in many countries was, you are an individual with rights. Now there are so many laws yet so little grace. That is what happens when a group of people reject the love of God. They go to the only other alternative which is law.
Over here in America I find this to be a society that is good in many ways; however, our country seems to have everything yet nothing. So many options yet so little opportunity. The economy is not bad yet we are knee deep in debt. I remember back in the 1980's the national debt was starting to go up. Many people were disturbed that one trillion dollars was way too high. This was a real issue back in that era.Do you know how high the national debt is now? It is coming close to 9 trillion dollars! In Time Square which is in New York they have a billboard that second by second shows the debt going up and trust me the numbers are moving so fast that if you were to look at the motion you would not even be able to follow it. The presence (grace) of God is slowly being removed from this country because when individuals,societies and a nation as a whole reject the love of God , law and lawlessness go hand in hand.In Deuteronomy chapter 28, God was instructing ancient Israel that if they obeyed Him they would be blessed. If they did not they would be cursed. In verse 44 "He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail." Deuteronomy 28:44. This verse is saying that one of the signs that a country is under or coming close to the judgment of God is excessive debt.The tail is a biblical way of describing our modern word for debt. So many laws but it is interesting that just like the electronic billboard in Time Square suggests, we live in a runaway society. Don't get me wrong. I am not against laws; however, grace should be the emphasis and maybe a little common sense if you know what I mean.
I remember a couple of years ago the Lord gave me a dream at night time when I was sleeping. I know all about the controversy over dreams. We can't necessarily trust them and it is way too subjective. Perhaps, but the Lord still called me to share this with you. There were only two characters in my dream. Both men were dressed well with signs on them going over their chests and stomachs. One said law and the other said mercy. The man who represented law was relentless in attacking the man who represented mercy. He kept quoting the law very loud at mercy. Each time this would happen the man who represented mercy threw his hands up in the air trying to explain that he had nothing to do with the law.Each time this would happen law would be even more determined to make his point. Mercy kept throwing his hands up in the air saying "I have nothing to do with you because I am on the other side."
It is very interesting to me that Luke 16:26 says "And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." This is a verse that describes the souls that died before Jesus Christ died on the cross. They went to either the Paradise section of Sheol (Hades) or the suffering section. The Righteous went to the good side because they accepted the grace and mercy of God. The wicked went to the bad side because they chose law rather than grace. That "great gulf" described in this verse kind of reminds me of my dream. The man of law could not pass over to mercy and the man of mercy could not pass over to law.One man made his position very clear (law), the other (mercy) refused to join him in any way.
As this was taking place I could hear words coming from the throne of God that I never knew. If "I were able" to translate this into the English language I suppose the words would be 75 letters long. I don't even know. The Lord gave me understanding that each and every word meant a specific form of mercy. I did not see any of this, I only heard. The motion picture I saw were the two men at an impasse; however, a portion of heaven was open to my ears. When a heavenly word of mercy was spoken it seemed to me that an applause in paradise expanded into togetherness at what this truly meant. The words were spoken very fast with no hesitation. I have not ruled out that it was Jesus Christ Himself speaking these words.That was the sense I had in my spirit. The very moment the words were spoken there seemed to be many joyous responses. They were actually living out the reality of the grace of God and understood exactly what was being said and why.They were in full agreement. Such hugh words. Rest assured God never wanted me to forget this dream.My Lord Jesus knew exactly where I was, preciously what I was going through and how to portray His message to me.
Trying to explain the heavenly portion of this dream is near close to impossible but the main idea was so clear. Heaven was not on the side of the man of law. The man with the sign of mercy over his chest and stomach clearly had the blessings of heaven.When I logically thought about this dream, I found myself asking "Am I a law man or a person of grace." I sensed God gave me this dream because He knew I was struggling with this issue. This is an example of the mercy of God.
As Christians we are looking for the rapture of the church which ends this age of grace.The world moves into the dispensation of law and the kingdom. As you can see the grace of God through His Son Jesus Christ is the most important subject in the universe. Our salvation, whether we will be a part of the rapture, and our eternity hinge upon this one biblical truth!
I would like to start with the person of Jesus Christ because if there is any hope for grace it is through Him. Isaiah introduces our Savior. "His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6. As you can see 5 titles were ascribed to Jesus Christ. John 1:17 introduces Jesus Christ as grace and truth. The Apostle Paul often said "Grace and peace be unto you. Peace comes after grace. The fifth title Isaiah through the Holy Spirit gave Jesus Christ Himself was "Prince of Peace."
Several months ago I prayed to the Lord that He would give me His supernatural peace by experience working through my spirit because I was going through so many trials. For the most part I never lost it.If I were to try and logically explain that I could not, but if I could this would not be grace.The Holy Spirit gives this to Believers. In that small section from John chapters 14-16, 4 times the Holy Spirit is referred to as the comforter. The fifth time He is written about is in Acts 9:31. "Then had the churches rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied." This is mentioned 5 times because the peace of the Holy Spirit and His mercy are always present because of the Grace of God.
I always try and center every subject I write about around the person of Jesus Christ. Grace means favor. It could be in the form of mercy,compassion,or patience but the most popular way of looking at this is an unworthy sinner being saved by the grace of God.In Part One I just want of focus on some examples in the gospels because grace is found in the person of Jesus Christ.
In Matthew chapter 1 there are five women in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. If you were to read the Bible or their biographies they all had an incredible experience of the grace of God working through them. At the very beginning of the first chapter in the New Testament these five women, Rahab,Ruth,Tamar,Bethsheba,and Mary are pointing to the very essence of Jesus Christ (Grace) through the symbolic meaning of this biblical number because there are five.
Jesus Christ came to redeemed humanity from their sins. He being the very embodiment of grace really does fit the succession of order. (1) God the Father (2) Jesus Christ (3) Holy Spirit (4) Creation (5) Redemption. All you have to do is read one of the gospels and it will become evident how the average person was drawn to Jesus Christ because of His grace. Redemption and grace go hand in hand. Unfortunately most people reject this. "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:14. A wise person will accept Jesus Christ into his or her heart.
I would like to show you through numeric examples in the Bible why Jesus Christ is the very embodiment of grace. It is our responsibly to accept Him by faith as our personal Savior. That famous verse in Ephesians says "For by grace are ye saved through faith"... Ephesians 2:8. I would like to go in order and show you these examples from the backdrop of the number 5.Once again I am just going over examples at this point in the book of John and looking at Jesus Christ Himself.
The first two involve a man by the name of Nicodemus.This man was a Pharisee. He probably came to Jesus by night because he did not want to get caught. More then likely he was steeped in religion and took a couple of looks at Jesus and noticed there was something different in a good way. Nicodemus acknowledged Jesus as being of God because of his teachings and miracles. The response that Jesus gave him did not really have anything to do with what Nicodemus said. "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily,verily, I say unto thee,Except a man be born again,he cannot see the Kingdom of God." John chapter 3:3. Some things were said and then by the time the reader arrives at verse 13, 2 sets of 5 are written in Scripture to show us the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Himself on the cross and the hope of everlasting life people have through His eternal grace.
(1)" And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, (2) even so must the Son of man be lifted up.(3) That whosoever believeth in Him (4) should not perish,but have (5) eternal life." John 3:14-15. That (1),(2),(3),(4),and (5) are not verse segmentations. There numbers represent "5" distinct biblical truths that Jesus taught yet they are all tied into one principle (5) grace.
If that were not enough the verse right after those 2 follows the same pattern and it is the most popular in the entire bible. (1)"For God so loved the world, (2) that He gave His only begotten Son, (3) that whosoever believeth in Him, (4)should not perish, (5) but have everlasting life." John 3:16. Once again Jesus said five different truths in one subtext; (5) grace.
Moving through the gospels in John chapter "5", five porches comprised a pool called in Hebrew Bethesda. This whole chapter (5) carries a strong theme of grace. People were looking for grace around these five porches."And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years." Thirty eight in the Bible is the number that represents slavery. Jesus asked this man..."Wilt thou be made whole." John 5:6. This question was in the form of "5" words. Here we see a man in slavery helpless to save himself. The Bible says "Jesus saith unto him,rise,take up thy bed,and walk." John 5:8. Main theme; chapter 5, (grace) sub theme a new beginning; verse 8 (new beginnings). When Jesus spoke to heal him,He said "7" words, the number for spiritual perfection. Jesus Christ gave this man a new beginning (8) through His grace (5) by making him perfect (7) through Him. The "7" words (1) Rise (2)take (3)up (4) thy (5) bed (6) and (7) walk. Does that sound like salvation? We were helpless sinners unable to save ourselves until we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts by faith. Then He gave us His grace. There is no way anybody could do that for themselves. Grace is a gift from God available to all through His Son Jesus Christ.
In closing there were 5 offerings in the tabernacle which was a place that described the grace of God. On the Alter of Sacrifice there were 5 offerings. (1) The Burnt Offering (2) The Peace Offering (3)The Sin Offering (4) The Trespass Offering and (5) The Meat Offering.All these offerings were precursors of the atoning death of Jesus Christ and they were comprised of "5". The death of our Savior on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice for us. As a result humanity has something called "grace" offered to them. It would be my pleasure to share some insights with you in Part 2 tomorrow. I have arrived at the number 5 only through the strength of God. I get to write about my favorite subject which would most definitely be the grace of God.
Until then have a nice day or night wherever you are,
Bob D.
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