Dear Father, Son, And Holy Spirit:
As I sit here I feel your presence all over my human flesh and deep down in the recesses of my heart. I know that you are with me and that You are telling me to Watch, pray and be ready for Your return is so very soon. You told us that we would see all the signs and know the season and we can feel that the garden is ripe and ready to be picked. As I planted a garden this year I have watched the fruit and the vegetables daily and realized that is how You watch us. You check on us all the time and you show us the weeds that we need to pick out of our hearts before they get a firm root bearing in there. I see the Hard Work that the Holy Spirit has in directing us on how we should grow and how at times He has to pull a plant out because it is producing no fruit just robbing us of the Words that you have already planted.
We are so very joyful but still there is the sadness that some of the ones we love are not in the ark and we wonder in our hearts will they get in in time knowing what the future holds for those who are not ready. We see the world running to and fro and doing nothing that would suggest that they are prepared for Your Son calling to ‘COME UP HITHER” . We in are finite mind wonder what we are to do. We can not force man against their will to believe in you and there are so many that think that they have sinned and can never be forgiven for their sins. Please Father give your children the right words to say to these lost and lonely souls. Please help us to be so Christ like that when men see us we do not have to tell them we are Christians but our lives should so mirror Jesus that they see we are Christians.
In !ST John we can use that Book and take the self test are we in the Lord as we believe we are. All the questions one would ask is in that one little Book. Do we love the Lord our God with all our might ,soul and strength. Then comes the hard test do we love the Brethren as Jesus loves us, for it plainly tells you if you do not love the Brethren you will have no place in the Kingdom of God. It demands an answer from us on our own behaviour. Is our heart full of resentment our hate because people are just a little different than we think they should be. But God and God alone knows their heart and knows the kind of love that is in there for God and for the Brethren. Have we thrown people out of our lives that we should not of thrown away as they are the children of God and they are walking in the Light as far as they know the Light. Just maybe they are ahead of you in the Lord or maybe they are behind you, but if they claim Jesus as Lord and Saviour and believe that He actually came in the flesh to save men from their sin and look only to Jesus for their answers. We could have made some mistakes so I would ask you to make sure that you have forgiven them even if you do not want anymore to do with them. Do not let that hate fester and grow inside of you until it destroys your walk with God. For God so Loved He Gave. Think about that and say Have I so loved that I give.
In ourselves we can do nothing apart from what the Lord allows us to do. We can not even take our next breath without His permission, our heart will not beat again unless Jesus allows it to beat. In ourselves we are nothing but in Jesus we are all things. We are to be vessels of honor to be used by the Father to show the World His Son. Do we often wonder what do the neighbors think of us ? Do they see love all the time or do they hear bickering and fighting at our house. Do they consider you a Christian. Is you example that they want to follow or do they want to get away from you?
My Beloved Brethren as we see these days fast approaching us what manner of person ought we to be?I beseech you to look into Christ and to seek to be more like Him and More in Love with Him daily. Does Your heart yearn for His voice? We need to be looking up for our redemption is nigh. Are you ready?
Saturday, June 02, 2007
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